• Don’t attempt to edit templates created in iManage Control Center using classic iManage Work Web. The templates won't function as expected.

  • If you have existing templates with variables with the "#" delimiter, you can continue to use them with Workspace and Flexible Folders. If you want to use them with iManage Work Workspace Generator, you must change the variable to use the "%" delimiter.

  • Flexible Folders don't recognize the folders created by iManage Work Workspace Generator as a standard part of the template and allows users to create them again. As a best practice:

    • iManage Work Workspace Generator: Define the prefix/suffix in the folder Name property. 

    • Workspace creation: Define the Folder Prefix/Suffix template property so that you don't have to duplicate values in folder names.

    • Flexible Folders: Either the define prefix/suffix in folder Name property or the Folder Prefix/Suffix template property, as both support the workspace generation methods described above.