Perform the following steps to repair the double-encrypted storage created when migrating from iManage Drive 10.6.1 or before to iManage Drive 10.9.1 or later:

  1. In the iManage Drive panel, browse to  Settings.png  and select Exit iManage Drive

  2. Install iManage Drive 10.9.1 or later. 

  3. Browse to C:/ProgramData/iManage/Drive and set the fix_double_encrypted_storage admin setting to true in the admin_settings.yaml file. 

  4. Browse to %localappdata%\GoDrive\marker and delete the fixed_encrypted_storage file, if available. 

  5. Restart iManage Drive and wait until iManage Drive completes repairing the double-encrypted storage. 

  6. Try to open files that were previously double-encrypted. 

fixed_encrypted_storage file is created at the following location %localappdata%\GoDrive\marker after the double-encrypted storage file is repaired.  

Additionally, you can also look for the following message in the imanage_drive.log file in the following location %localappdata%\GoDrive\logs:

Completed check_and_repair_encrypted_file_storage

If there are many files to be processed, you can look for intermediate progress log messages that are logged for every 100 files processed: 

Example: check_and_repair_encrypted_file_storage: processed <x> files, repaired <y> files

An advisory for repairing double-encrypted storage is available in iManage Help Center. For more information, refer to ADVISORY: Upgrading from iManage Drive 10.6.1 or earlier to iManage Drive 10.7.1 or later can cause some files in the Drive encrypted storage to be encrypted a second time, which can prevent the user from accessing the file contents.