The following are the directories and the configuration file available in iManage Drive.

iManage Drive working directory: Directory where users create and modify their folders and files. The following is the default directory for Microsoft Windows: 

  • $USERPROFILE\iManageDrive if USERPROFILE environment variable is set. 

  • $HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH\iManageDrive if USERPROFILE environment isn't set and HOMEPATH and HOMEDRIVE environment variables are set.

iManage Drive data directory: Directory where iManage Drive saves data into databases. It contains encrypted file storage, log files, and so on. The default directory for iManage Drive data directory is %LOCALAPPDATA%\iManage\GoDrive.

iManage Drive encrypted files directory: Directory that contains encrypted files that are references from iManage Drive working directory. The default directory for the iManage Drive encrypted file storage directory is %LOCALAPPDATA%\iManage\GoDrive\files.

iManage Drive admin_settings.yaml file: Configuration file that changes the application mode (user mode by default) and customizes the account setup options. The default location is the C:/ProgramData/iManage/Drive folder.

You can change the iManage Drive directories. For more information, see Changing iManage Drive directories.