Method 1

The latest sample admin_settings.yaml file is available at To download the file, right-click the following link admin_settings_sample.yaml and select Save link as or the equivalent option based on the browser you are using. Ensure that the:

  • File is named admin_settings 

  • Extension is .yaml

  • File is placed at C:/ProgramData/iManage/Drive.


You can only download the file from If you are using the PDF version of the guide, we recommend that you use Method 2 to download the admin_settings.yaml file or visit

Method 2

You can manually add the admin_settings.yaml file by doing the following:

  1. Copy the contents into a new file.

  2. Save the file as admin_settings.yaml

  3. Make sure the file extension is .yaml.

  4. Place the file at C:/ProgramData/iManage/Drive..


In the admin_settings.yaml file, ensure that a value you provide includes a single quote (') when using the following special characters: {, }, [, ], ,, &, :, *, #, ?, |. -, <. >, =, !, %, \., @. Single quotes lets you add any character in a string and doesn't parse escape code—for example, when using strings like *.tmp, wrap the the string with single quotes as follows: '*.tmp'

To customize the configuration settings available in the sample admin_settings file, refer to Configuring user settings.

The following is the sample configuration file. 

# # Specify list of admin settings that cannot be changed in the drive preferences. The value of these settings is not specified here and must be specified separately. If admin_setting_controlled_values is not specified, then it defaults to all of the possible values being admin setting controlled. If none is specified then none of the values will be admin setting controlled. If all is specified then all of the values will be admin setting controlled. Values that can be controlled: checkin_mode_new_version, delete_documents, delete_folders, hdpi_enabled, local_rest_service_token, get_main_dialog_size, main_dialog_size_without_icons, notify_new_workspace_synced, notify_new_workspace_synced_popup, notify_on_files_changed, notify_on_emails_changed, notify_workspace_removed, notify_workspace_removed_popup, notify_of_long_paths, prompt_for_authentication_dialog, proxy_server_mode, proxy_server_url, style_layout, ui_layout, webdav_port, zoom_layout
# # Example:
# # admin_setting_controlled_values:
# # - checkin_mode_new_version
# # - delete_folders
# # - delete_documents
# # - delete_folders
# # - proxy_server_mode
# # - proxy_server_url
# admin_setting_controlled_values: []
# # Specify list of additional file patterns that should not be synced to the iManage Work Server
# # Example:
# # additional_ignore_file_patterns:
# # - '*.ext1'
# # - '*.ext2'
# additional_ignore_file_patterns: null
# # Specify list of additional folder patterns that should not be synced to the iManage Work Server
# # Example:
# # additional_ignore_folder_patterns:
# # - folder_1
# # - folder_2
# additional_ignore_folder_patterns: null
# # If true, then if a document is deleted and there are multiple references to a document in different folders, the document and all of its references will be deleted. If false, then if a document is deleted and there are multiple references to a document, just the individual reference will be deleted from the folder where the delete took place, and not the document
# # Example:
# # delete_all_document_references: false
# delete_all_document_references: false
# # Enable emails to be downloaded when using container download feature.
# # Example:
# # allow_bulk_email_download: false
# allow_bulk_email_download: false
# # Allow the copying of folders within the Drive to a destination outside the Drive
# # Example:
# # allow_folder_copy_outside_drive: false
# allow_folder_copy_outside_drive: false
# # Specify the default checkin mode which is new version by default
# # Example:
# # checkin_mode_new_version: true
# checkin_mode_new_version: true
# # Specify the checkout mode. Possible values: on_open, on_save
# # Example:
# # checkout_mode: on_save
# checkout_mode: on_save
# # Disabled if 0. If 1, then restart explorer when opening explorer from drive panel if version changed. If 2, then restart explorer at startup if version changed.
# # Example:
# # restart_explorer_if_context_dll_changed: 2
# restart_explorer_if_context_dll_changed: 2
# # Specify the number of backup copies of log files
# # Example:
# # log_file_backup_count: 9
# log_file_backup_count: 9
# # Specify the maximum size of the log files. You must specify the size type following the number with either 'b' (bytes), 'k' (kilobytes), 'm' (megabytes), or 'g' (gigabytes).
# # Example:
# # log_file_max_size: 5b, log_file_max_size: 5k, log_file_max_size: 5m, log_file_max_size: 5g
# log_file_max_size: 10m
# # Specify the number of days to allow document to copied from the document changelog. Set this value to zero to disable the ability to copy documents from the changelog.
# # Example:
# # days_to_allow_document_changelog_copy: 3
# days_to_allow_document_changelog_copy: 7
# # Specify the number of days to keep local unsynced document changes in document change log
# # Example:
# # days_to_keep_document_changelog_entries: 7
# days_to_keep_document_changelog_entries: 90
# # Specify the number of days to keep local synced document changes in document change log
# # Example:
# # days_to_keep_synced_document_changelog_entries: 7
# days_to_keep_synced_document_changelog_entries: 7
# # Set this option to false if you don't want to allow files to be hydrated for preview.
# # Example:
# # enable_preview: true
# enable_preview: true
# # This setting should be a list of the file types that a user might want to have hydrated for extended periods of time (i.e. hydration_expiration_time values will be set for files of these types).
# # Example:
# # extended_hydration_file_types_list: - .mp4 - .mp3]
# extended_hydration_file_types_list: []
# # Specify the default setting of whether or not to allow document deletion
# # Example:
# # delete_documents: true
# delete_documents: true
# # Specify the default setting of whether or not to allow folder deletion
# # Example:
# # delete_folders: true
# delete_folders: false
# # Specify a different iManage Drive root working directory. The directory value must be on a locally attached device. Look below for detailed description of drive_user_root_dir. Defaults to: 'C:\Users' on Windows. Defaults to: '/Users' on Mac.
# # Example:
# # drive_user_root_dir: C:\iManageDriveRootDir
# drive_user_root_dir: null
# # Override default value for enabling container downloads.
# # Example:
# # enable_container_download: false
# enable_container_download: null
# # Enable the use of the windows ssl context adapter to load certificates from windows machine
# # Example:
# # enable_windows_ssl_context_adapter: false
# enable_windows_ssl_context_adapter: true
# # Enable the use of the ssl context adapter to load certificates from mac keychain
# # Example:
# # enable_ssl_context_adapter: false
# enable_mac_ssl_context_adapter: true
# disable_file_download_time_estimate: false
# # Enables the proxy auto-configuration. The proxy_pac_url should also be set
# enable_pac_proxy: false
# # Set to True to enable recent and my workspaces folder to be available on your local file system
# # Example:
# # enable_recent_my_workspaces_folder: true
# enable_recent_my_workspaces_folder: false
# # Set this option to false if you do not want the iManage panel to pop up when syncing or unlinking a workspace, regardless of the Preferences > Notifications settings. The valid values are false and true. The default value is true.
# # Example:
# # enable_sync_progress_dialog: true
# enable_sync_progress_dialog: true
# # Once enabled, a user-friendly iManage Drive sidebar shortcut will be added similar to OneDrive.
# # Example:
# # enable_windows_sidebar: true
# enable_windows_sidebar: true
# # List of all urls user should be able to connect to
# # Example:
# # work_server_urls:
# # -
# # -
# work_server_urls: []
# # Configure a list of processes that may read iManage Drive documents.
# # Example:
# # hydration_allow_list:
# #- winword.exe
# #- cat.exe
# hydration_allow_list: []
# # Enable the option to specify a list of allowed processes for reading iManage Drive Documents
# # Example:
# # hydration_allow_list_enabled: true
# hydration_allow_list_enabled: false
# # (Mac OS only) Configure a list of virus scanners that may passively read placeholder files without hydrating. If give_hydrater_allow_deny_list is set to false this list will be ignored.
# # Example:
# # hydration_deny_list:
# #- wdavdaemon.exe
# #- wdavdaemon2.exe
# hydration_deny_virus_scanner_list: null
# # Configure a list of processes that may never read iManage Drive documents.
# # Example:
# # hydration_deny_list:
# #- winword.exe
# #- cat.exe
# hydration_deny_list: []
# # Enable to ignore all emails when syncing workspaces
# # Example:
# # ignore_emails: false
# ignore_emails: false
# # Allows you to configure the iManage Drive app data root directory from admin settings instead of environment variable. The current logged in username will be appended to the end of the path.
# # Example:
# # imanage_drive_app_data_dir_root: D:\iManageDrive
# imanage_drive_app_data_dir_root: null
# # List of languages that user can choose from in the preferences dialog. Possible values: en,fr,es,de,pt,ja,zh Which corresponds to English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil), Japanese, Chinese accordingly.
# # Example:
# # language_options:
# #- en
# #- fr
# #- es
# #- de
# #- pt
# #- ja
# #- zh
# language_options: ['en', 'fr', 'es', 'de', 'pt', 'ja', 'zh', 'fr_ca']
# # Specify the local_rest_service_port for the iManage Drive API. When set to 0, a dynamic port will be chosen.
# # Example:
# # local_rest_service_port: 8010
# local_rest_service_port: null
# local_rest_service_token: null
# # Specify the maximum number of items to show in my workspaces folder on the local filesystem
# # Example:
# # max_items_to_show_in_my_workspaces: 100
# max_items_to_show_in_my_workspaces: 100
# # Specify the maximum number of items to show in recent workspaces folder on the local filesystem
# # Example:
# # max_items_to_show_in_recent_workspaces: 100
# max_items_to_show_in_recent_workspaces: 100
# # Change the maximum number of workspaces or matters that can be synced. The recommended maximum and default is 20.
# # Example:
# # maximum_matters_limit: 20
# maximum_matters_limit: 20
# # Configure the number of megabytes of disk space remaining before iManage Drive prevents downloading of additional content. Defaults to 2GB.
# # Example:
# # min_free_space_for_download_mb: 2048
# min_free_space_for_download_mb: 2048
# # Specify the drive letter to map to the %homepath%/iManageDrive directory
# # Example:
# # native_drive_letter: S
# native_drive_letter: M
# # Specify in seconds the length of time before a notification expires in the Drive Notifications Tab
# # Example:
# # notification_expire_time: 10000
# notification_expire_time: 2628000
# # Specify whether users should be notified when a new workspace is synced.
# notify_new_workspace_synced: true
# # Specify whether users should see drive panel pop up and show sync progress when workspace is synced.
# notify_new_workspace_synced_popup: true
# # Specify whether users should be notified when a file changes.
# notify_on_files_changed: true
# # Specify whether users should be notified when an email changes.
# notify_on_emails_changed: true
# # Specify whether users should be notified when a workspace is unsynced.
# notify_workspace_removed: true
# # Specify whether users should see drive panel pop up and show progress when workspace is unsynced.
# notify_workspace_removed_popup: true
# # Specify whether users should be notified of items that has long paths.
# notify_of_long_paths: true
# policy_check_sync_frequency: 3600
# # Minutes between reminding user that there are items to confirm sync to the DMS that must be addressed.
# # Example:
# # prompt_for_sync_confirmation_reminder: 5
# prompt_for_sync_confirmation_reminder: 5
# # Minutes between reminding user that there are sync issues that must be addressed.
# # Example:
# # prompt_for_sync_issue_reminder: 60
# prompt_for_sync_issues_reminder: 60
# # The url of a proxy auto configuration file. enable_pac_proxy must also be set to true to enable this.
# proxy_pac_url: null
# # 0: no proxy 1: auto-detect system proxy 2: use manual proxy set by user or by administrator.
# # Example:
# # proxy_server_mode: 1
# proxy_server_mode: 1
# # proxy url for the drive to use when making web/api requests. proxy_type can be [http, socks4, socks5]
# # Example:
# # proxy_server_url: http://localhost:8010
# proxy_server_url: null
# # Specify the number of seconds to wait before automatically refreshing the recent and my workspaces folders on the local filesystem. Defaults to never.
# # Example:
# # refresh_recent_my_matters_frequency_in_seconds: 86400
# refresh_recent_my_matters_frequency_in_seconds: null
# # Specify the number of seconds to wait before refresh web extension settings from the server. Set to 0 to disable.
# # Example:
# # refresh_web_extension_settings_frequency: 1d
# refresh_web_extension_settings_frequency: 1d
# # Specify the segment api url
# # Example:
# # segment_host_url:
# segment_host_url:
# # Specify the number of seconds to wait before refreshing remote admin settings from the server. Set to 0 to disable.
# # Example:
# # refresh_remote_admin_settings_frequency: 1d
# refresh_remote_admin_settings_frequency: 1d
# # Controls the maximum number of results to show when searching. The maximum value that can be specific is 500, anything above 500 will be capped at 500.
# # Example:
# # search_show_max_results: 30
# search_show_max_results: 30
# show_installation_wizard_if_no_account: true
# # Specify the maximum length of a workspace name. The workspace name will be truncated to this length if the workspace name is longer.
# # Example:
# # maximum_workspace_name_length: 50
# maximum_workspace_name_length: 150
# # Specify the default setting of the automated sync frequency in minutes, minimum value is 30. Disable automated syncing by setting value to 0. The user can change the default value in preferences.
# # Example:
# # sync_frequency: 30
# sync_frequency: 30
# # Once this count of deletes is hit, the user will need to confirm document deletes that need to be synced to the server. Value will always be less than or equal to 'trigger_confirmation_delete_count'
# # Example:
# # trigger_confirmation_delete_count: 10
# trigger_confirmation_delete_count: 10
# # Once this count of changes is hit, the user will need to confirm changes that need to be synced to the server.
# # Example:
# # trigger_confirmation_change_count: 10
# trigger_confirmation_change_count: 10
# # Different user roles will have different options available in UI: ('user', 'admin', 'dev', 'developer')
# # Example:
# # user_role: user
# user_role: user
# # Specify the port for the iManage Drive Web Extension APIs
# # Example:
# # web_extension_https_port: 8020
# web_extension_https_port: 8020
# # Configure the token to be used with the web extension. If not specified, the default token when configuring the web extension will be used. If specified, when configuring the web extension make sure the token matches the specified value. The token can be disabled by specifying 'ignore'. Specifying a token would be the most secure option and specifying 'ignore' would be the least secure.
# # Example:
# # web_extension_token: 1b561970-5ae1-464a-a878-278639fe359f
# web_extension_token: null
# # Can use real-time encryption with "realtime", To use the tag encryption use "tag", and "False" for no log encryption.
# # Example:
# # log_encryption_type: tag
# log_encryption_type: tag
# # Frequency to garbage collect unused encrypted files stored locally. Time format in minutes.
# # Example:
# # frequency_to_reclaim_unused_encrypted_files: 1440
# frequency_to_reclaim_unused_encrypted_files: 1440
# # Drive will alert users when it has not synced files in the Outbox after a defined period of time. The letter following defines the time in seconds, minutes, hours or days. For example, one second resolves to '1s', one minute resolves to '1m', one hour resolves to '1h' and one day resolves to '1d'. The default value is one day - '1d'. To disable this feature, set value to 0.
# # Example:
# # time_before_alerting_sync_issues: '1d'
# time_before_alerting_sync_issues: 1d
# # When set, Drive will update the 'from_work_server_url' to the 'to_work_server_url'. This will update the account associated with the 'from_work_server_url' to the 'to_work_server_url'. This should only be configured if there was a migration from the 'from_work_server_url' to the 'to_work_server_url'. The migration must be complete before configuring this admin setting and must host the same library names and workspace ID's as the original work server.
# # Example:
# # rename_work_server_urls:
# # - from_work_server_url: https://server1
# # to_work_server_url: https://server2
# rename_work_server_urls: []
# # When there is a work server url rename, before connecting to the new server, drive will validate the data on the server against the data on the local drive.
# # Example:
# # enabled_rename_url_validation: true
# enabled_rename_url_validation: true
# # Enables renaming a work server url from the account settings dialog.
# # Example:
# # account_settings_rename_url: false
# account_settings_rename_url: false
# # Enables the 'Show long paths' button in the sync issues dialog. 'False' will disable the menu item, 'True' will display the menu item if long paths is disabled on the operating system, and 'Force' will display the button regardless of long paths being enabled/disabled on the operating system.
# # Example:
# # show_long_paths_button: True, show_long_paths_button: False, show_long_paths_button: Force
# show_long_paths_button: True
# # Limit number of folders for bulk import source folder. Setting to 0 will disable folder limitation for bulk import.
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_folder_limit: 1000
# bulk_import_folder_limit: 1000
# # Consider the destinations workspace folder count when performing a bulk import. For example, with bulk_import_workspace_folder_limit set to 10000, if you were to attempt to import a folder to a workspace which already had 10000 folders, the import would fail. Setting to 0 will disable this limitation.
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_workspace_folder_limit: 10000
# bulk_import_workspace_folder_limit: 10000
# # Limit number of files for bulk import source folder. Setting to 0 will disable file limitation for bulk import.
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_file_limit: 20000
# bulk_import_file_limit: 20000
# # Consider the destinations workspace file count when performing a bulk import. For example, with bulk_import_workspace_file_limit set to 100000, if you were to attempt to import a folder with files in it to a workspace which already had 100000 files, the import would fail. Setting to 0 will disable this limitation.
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_workspace_file_limit: 100000
# bulk_import_workspace_file_limit: 100000
# # Limit total size of folders for bulk import. Setting to 0 will disable size limitation for bulk import. You must specify the size type following the number with either 'b' (bytes), 'k' (kilobytes), 'm' (megabytes), or 'g' (gigabytes).
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_total_size_limit: 5b, bulk_import_total_size_limit: 5k, bulk_import_total_size_limit: 5m, bulk_import_total_size_limit: 5g
# bulk_import_total_size_limit: 0
# # Consider the destinations workspace size when performing a bulk import. For example, with bulk_import_workspace_total_size_limit set to 4g, if you were to attempt to import a folder with files in it to a workspace which had a size of 4 gigabytes or greater, the import would fail. Setting to 0 will disable this limitation for bulk import. You must specify the size type following the number with either 'b' (bytes), 'k' (kilobytes), 'm' (megabytes), or 'g' (gigabytes).
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_workspace_total_size_limit: 5b, bulk_import_workspace_total_size_limit: 5k, bulk_import_workspace_total_size_limit: 5m, bulk_import_workspace_total_size_limit: 5g
# bulk_import_workspace_total_size_limit: 0
# # Enable/Disable bulk import folder validation.
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_validation_enabled: True
# bulk_import_validation_enabled: true
# # Max individual file size allowed for upload to the server. Setting to 0 will disable this limitation.You must specify the size type following the number with either 'b' (bytes), 'k' (kilobytes), 'm' (megabytes), or 'g' (gigabytes).
# # Example:
# # max_file_size: 4b, max_file_size: 4k, max_file_size: 4m, max_file_size: 4g
# max_file_size: 4g
# # To increase performance the number of items displayed is limited to this setting's number. Increasingit may negatively impact performance, while decreasing will positively impact performance.
# # Example:
# # dialog_display_limit: 50000
# dialog_display_limit: 10000
# # Limit the number of folders per workspace. If a workspace contains more folders than the set limit, the workspace will not be synced. Setting to 0 will disable this limitation.
# # Example:
# # maximum_folders_per_workspace: 10000
# maximum_folders_per_workspace: 10000
# # Enable bulk import sync to server.
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_sync_to_server: true
# bulk_import_sync_to_server: true
# # When performing a bulk import, if the number of files are less than this number, we will do a regular local copy to drive. If the number of files exceeds this limit, the drive will sync directly to the server.
# # Example:
# # bulk_import_max_file_count_for_local_copy: 100
# bulk_import_max_file_count_for_local_copy: 100
# # Show or hide drive icon in Windows task bar. Setting to 0 will hide the icon, 1 will show it. Any other value, the drive will keep its current configuration. If there is none, drive will look for a previous configuration from a past install.
# # Example:
# # show_drive_icon_in_task_bar: 1
# show_drive_icon_in_task_bar: 1
# # Allow the copying of workspaces within the Drive to a destination outside the Drive
# # Example:
# # allow_workspace_copy_outside_drive: true
# allow_workspace_copy_outside_drive: false

From iManage Drive 10.9.0 onwards:

  • When you create or modify the admin_settings.yaml file, iManage Drive automatically restarts when it isn't in use.

  • Additionally, if the admin_settings.yaml file isn't correctly formatted or in a proper format, then a prompt similar to the following figure is displayed to inform you of this and iManage Drive automatically shuts down.