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Installing iManage Drive Native and iManage Drive using source installer

As an administrator, you can silently install iManage Drive Native and iManage Drive in bulk or remotely for the users in your organization:

NOTE: Make sure iManage Drive Native is installed before installing iManage Drive. 

  1. Browse to the directory where the Native installer and iManage Drive is downloaded/placed.

  2. Run the following commands using a command-line interface in the same order.

    1. iManage Drive Native: iManageDriveNative.exe /silent

    2. iManage Drive: iManageDriveSetup.exe /s setup.iss


  • /s is silent install command.

  • The setup.iss file is the response file needed to handle silent installation.

  • You don’t need to specify a path for setup.iss. This is because it is bundled with iManageDriveSetup.exe.

The installation is completed without user prompts or interaction and does away with the need to restart the system, as in the case of a regular manual installation.

Installing iManage Drive Native and iManage Drive with own GUID instance

As a administrator, if you want to manage your own installation of iManage Drive, then you should specify your own GUID instance. This method is useful if you have your own deployment software that requires specific installation commands.

NOTE: Each instance of GUID needs to be unique, so that there's no conflict with other software.

  1. Browse to the directory where the Native installer and iManage Drive is downloaded/placed.

  2. Run the following commands using a command-line interface in the same order.

    1. iManage Drive Native: iManageDriveNative.exe /silent

    2. iManage Drive: iManageDriveSetup.exe /ig{InstanceGUID} /s setup.iss


  • /ig: Assigns a specific Instance GUID to the installed software

  • /s: Silent install command

  • setup.iss: Response file needed to handle silent installation

If you've installed iManage Drive, an uninstall registry setting is created with the GUID instance and can be referenced by the iManage Drive installer.


iManageDriveSetup.exe /ig{iManageDrive-10.11.0440} /s setup.iss