For organizations who want to fully control the iManage Auto Updates process and experience for end users, it's also possible to host your own Auto Updates server. Hosting your own Auto Updatesxf server allows you to control all of the functionality and behaviors previously mentioned. Additionally, you:

  • Remove all dependency on iManage’s public Auto Update channels and publicly available download packages.

  • Deploy other third-party software packages along with iManage desktop software, using Auto Updates.

An Auto Updates server consists of a file server or web server that is available to your users and is also where install packages and the configuration files (update.ini and updateinfo.json files) used by Auto Updates are stored. These locations should be specified inside the update.ini file. 

When setting up your own Auto Updates server, make sure of the following:

  • The Auto Updates server must be available to your users, preferably even when disconnected from the firm’s VPN.

  • Access to the file server should be read only to all users, except administrators who'll be updating the files periodically.


Make sure that the update server includes the following files:

  • pubcert.crt

  • update.ini

  • updateinfo.json

  • imanageinstaller.ts1

  • imanageinstaller.ts2

  • imanageinstaller.ts3

  • ConfigFileSigner.exe

  • iManageUpdaterRest.exe

  • iManageUpdaterToast.exe

  • iManageUpdaterVerify.exe

  • sign.txt

You can download sample content for each of these files from Make sure to add the file name to the link to download the file.

For example, to download the sample update.ini file, visit or to download the sample sign.txt, visit Similarly, you can download the other files.

To specify the update server location, upload the update.ini file using iManage Control Center:

  1. Open iManage Control Center, and select SETTINGSOffice Configuration. 

  2. Select the Upload File button to upload the update.ini file.

You can also specify the update server location using the following options, which are listed in the order of their precedence. Users are directed to the specified update server when they install the applications and whenever the applications are updated. 

  • Command line: You can run the installer from the command line with the following argument:
    For example: iManageInstaller.exe

  • Registry setting: You can add the following registry setting:

    • Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\iManage\AgentServices\AutoUpdate  


    • Type: String (REG_SZ)

    • Value: Path to the server; for example, \\shared-drive\work-updates\

      The server path can be a file path (local or UNC style) or an HTTP/HTTPS web server. If you are using a web server, ensure that the following mime types are defined on the server:

      • application/octet-stream - ts3

      • application/zip - ts1 and ts2

  • Environment variable: You can add the UPDATESERVERPATH variable with the required server location to the environment path; iManage installer will use that information for downloading the applications and their updates.


  • You can use the command line and environment variable options only during the installation of iManage Installer.

  • The registry setting is used during the installation and the update process. 

  • If you don't set the update server location using any of the options listed in this section. iManage Updater downloads the software application and their updates from