You can specify a deadline by a specific date and time to force the installation of iManage Work Desktop for Windows on your user's machine.

Use the utc_update_due_date property in the updateinfo.json file to define the deadline (in years, months, days, hours, and minutes) when the latest updates of iManage Work Desktop for Windows are installed on users' machines without their permission or intervention. Setting the deadline is useful when users choose to opt out of automatically downloading and installing the latest version of iManage Work Desktop for Windows. 

You can customize the utc_update_due_date property by doing the following:

  1. Go to

  2. Copy the contents into a .txt file, and save it as updateinfo.json.

  3. Add the utc_update_due_date property within the update channels as needed. A sample updateinfo.json file with the utc_update_due_date property is as follows.

"update_channels": {
"_auto_download_and_install": true,
"channels": [
"id": "compatibility_upgrade",
"utc_update_due_date": {"year": 2023, "month": 05, "day":28, "hour":20, "minute": 30}

To ensure that configuration changes are managed centrally, sign the update.ini file and upload it to iManage Control Center (Client Setup > Office tab > Configuration option) along with the following files:

  • sign.txt

  • pubcert.crt

  • updateinfo.json

If a deadline is specified in the updateinfo.json file and an update is available, iManage Work Agent displays a message to users indicating that the update needs to be installed by a specific date. Users can select Download & Install to download and install the latest updates or select Dismiss to dismiss the message.


This message appears only for users who have opted to not automatically download and install updates.

Alternatively, if users select anywhere in iManage Work Agent and then press the back button, the message is still displayed as shown in the following figure: 

As the deadline approaches, iManage Work Agent displays a message as shown in the following figure. 

When the deadline is reached and a user hasn’t yet installed the updates, they're automatically downloaded and installed on the user's machine. If the user's machine isn't available, then the updates are installed at the next available opportunity.

If Windows notifications are enabled on a user's machine, they're displayed when the installation is in progress. For example, the following notification is displayed while iManage Installer is downloading the software on the user machine. 

For more information about Windows notifications and how to enable them, refer to Appendix D: Enabling Windows notifications.

Users no longer have to close any of Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat applications when installing iManage Work Desktop for Windows. They can continue to use Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat applications while iManage Work Desktop for Windows is being installed in the background. 

When the installation is complete, a yellow infoBar is displayed in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Outlook indicating that an updated version of iManage Work Desktop for Windows is installed.

Users will have to restart Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat applications to use the latest version of iManage Work Desktop for Windows.