Keyboard functions for operations related to the tree

Based on the browsers and operating system used by the users, the behavior and the key used for the operations related to the tree may vary as explained in the following table:

Table: Keyboard functions across browsers

Keyboard Actions


Move Operation

Copy Operation

Creating reference/shortcut

Operating System



Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop with Option ( ⌥) key
NOTE: Option key needs to be pressed before starting the drag.

Drag and Drop with Command (⌘) key

NOTE : Command key needs to be pressed before starting the drag.

Other browsers

Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop with Option ( ⌥) key

Drag and Drop with Shift key


All browsers

Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop with Ctrl key

Drag and Drop with Shift key

Windows Virtual Machine on Mac

All browsers

Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop with Ctrl key
NOTE: Ctrl key needs to be pressed before starting the drag.

Drag and Drop with Shift key

Figure: Helper message while using Safari browser on Mac

Figure: Helper message for all other browsers