Ability to hide or show subfolders under a folder

When you are in a folder that contains multiple subfolders and files, you can use the Hide subfolders option, available in the toolbar, to hide the subfolders under a folder so that you can view only the files in that folder. Selecting Hide subfolders also hides the folder shortcuts under the main folder.

Figure: Hiding subfolders under a folder

To display the hidden subfolders, select Display Folders.

The Hide subfolders behavior differs based on the operation performed with a folder as explained below:


Behavior when Hide subfolders is enabled

New folder creation under an existing folder

Hide subfolders option is temporarily disabled to display the newly created folder. Manually refreshing the page hides the existing subfolders and the newly created folder.

Upload a new folder under an existing folder

Hide subfolders option is temporarily disabled to display the newly created folder. Manually refreshing the page hides the existing subfolders and the newly created folder.

Select Go to folder in the progress panel after moving a folder

Hide subfolders option is temporarily disabled to display the newly moved folder. Manually refreshing the page hides the existing subfolders and the newly moved folder.


  • The Hide subfolders option is persisted independently for iManage Work Web and, File Open and Save As dialogs.

  • The option to hide or show subfolders is persisted across different browsers.

With the Hide subfolders option enabled on a folder, the Select All checkbox selects only the visible items in that folder, and not the hidden subfolders.