Drag and move items from the list or grid view to the Tree

NOTE: Limitations for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge Browsers

For users using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11.778.183620 or later and, Legacy Microsoft Edge version 44.18362.449.0 or later, the following limitations are applicable:

  • When hovering over the tree, the document or email icon flickers sometimes and a images/download/thumbnails/173910417/block.png icon appears indicating that the drop is not allowed.

  • When moving documents and emails in IE or Edge an images/download/thumbnails/173910417/image2020-5-11_19-19-38.png icon appears above the document or email icon.

  • When moving documents and emails to the tree using drag-and-drop in IE or Edge, it is recommended to expand the target tree node and then drop the item to the desired folder for better performance.