Moving folders


This feature is available only in select iManage Work environments.

Users can now re-organize their folder structure by moving folders, search folders and folder shortcuts from either the right-click context menu or the toolbar.

To move folders:

  1. Navigate to the folder you wish to move to a different location.

  2. Right-click and then select Move. The Move dialog box appears.

    Figure: Move in the right-click context menu


    If you select multiple folders, the option is available on the toolbar.

    Figure: Move option on the toolbar

  3. Choose the location where you prefer to relocate the folder.

  4. Select Move. A progress dialog box appears.

    Figure: Progress dialog box

    Select Go to folder in the progress dialog box to navigate to the new location of the folder.


    • The Move operation fails if users do not have sufficient privileges (full access) to the target folder. When the move operation fails, an indication is shown in the progress panel.

    • Moving folders is not allowed to a w orkspace where folder template rules are enforced.

    • NRTAdmins who have read only or read and write access can move folders.

    • Moving folders across databases is not supported.