Opening a document

Double-click a document in the list to open it for editing in its native program.

Opening a specific version of a document

In the desktop view:

  1. Select the document you wish to open and then select images/download/thumbnails/173909635/2.png .
    The details panel appears to the right of the documents list.

  2. In the details panel select the Versions tab.

  3. Select the title of the version you want.
    The version appears in the previewer.

Select the kebab menu images/download/thumbnails/173909635/1.png for a specific version to perform various actions on the version, such as Edit, Checkout, Download, Print and so on.

In the mobile view:

  1. Highlight a document in the list.

  2. Select the kebab images/download/thumbnails/173909635/1.png menu and then select Versions.

  3. Select the title of the version you want.
    The version opens in the previewer.

Select the kebab menu images/download/thumbnails/173909635/1.png for a specific version to perform various actions on the version, such as Edit, Checkout, Download, Print and so on.