Performing a preview search

When you're within a document or email preview and looking for a particular section or subject, you can perform a Preview Search .

Using search operators within preview search

  • Open the desired document or email within the iManage Work Web client > enter the preferred search term > press Enter or select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.08.34_PM.png next to the search bar.

  • To perform a more exhaustive search, enter the search terms > select one of the available search operators > press Enter or select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.08.34_PM.png .

    Figure: Performing a preview search with the Match case operator

    Table: Available search operators

    Search Operator




    Match exact word or phrase


    Use this operator to match the exact word or phrase.

    To use this operator, enter search term > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.11.25_PM2.png > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.08.34_PM.png .

    Input: risks
    Output: risks

    Match case


    Use this operator to exactly match the case of your search term.

    To use this operator, enter search term > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.13.34_PM2.png > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.08.34_PM.png .

    Input: WARRANTY
    Output: WARRANTY

    Whole Word


    Use this operator to find instances of the search term that appear as whole words.

    To use this operator, enter search term > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.19.25_PM2.png > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.08.34_PM.png .

    Input: monitor
    Output: monitor

    NOTE: In a document containing the terms such as monitoring, monitors or monitored, performing a Whole Word search for the term "monitor" only returns the exact term.

    Begins With


    Use this operator to find words that start with a particular term.

    To use this operator, enter search term > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.21.04_PM2.png > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.08.34_PM.png .

    Input: S
    Output: supplies, sort, service and so on.

    Ends With


    Use this operator to find words that end with a particular term.

    To use this operator, enter search term > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.21.20_PM2.png > select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.08.34_PM.png .

    Input: S
    Output: Services, ports, agreements and so on.

    Use Wildcards


    Use this operator in place of any number of unknown characters.

    Input: gene***

    Output: generate, general, and so on.

    Proximity Search


    Use this operator to find two words which are nearby the Nth value.

    Input: security information ~3
    Output: information to classify the security

    You can perform a preview search to find some common information, using available data parameters within the document by selecting the drop-down list to narrow your search based on what you are looking for.
    From the drop-down list, select one or more data parameters, for example—dates, postal code, phone numbers, email and so on, and then press Enter or select images/download/thumbnails/173909552/Screenshot_2022-01-24_at_2.08.34_PM.png .

    Figure: Performing a preview search for common data types

    Table: Sample data parameters and examples



    US Social Security Number


    USA Phone Number

    123-4567 or 123-456-7891


    USA Postal Code

    12345 or 12345-1234


    28/01/2022 or 01/28/22


    Each item looks for only the shown combination of digits and symbols and highlights the found results.