Select All items in iManage Work Panel

To select all items in an iManage Work Panel list when the list is docked:

  1. Select an item in the list.
    The following toolbar appears across the top of the Work Panel:


  2. Select the Actions menu images/download/attachments/173910260/image2018-1-23_13_35_50.png on the toolbar.
    The images/download/thumbnails/173910260/image2018-1-23_13_42_12.png option appears .

  3. Select the images/download/thumbnails/173910260/image2018-1-23_13_42_12.png option to select all items in the list.

To select all items in an iManage Work Panel list when the list is undocked:

  1. Select an item in the list.
    The blue multi-select bar appears across the top of the list.

  2. Select images/download/attachments/173910260/image2018-1-23_13_31_34.png to select all items in the list.