Sharing emails with external parties

If you company has iManage Share enabled, you can share emails with external users using images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2019-6-15_21-9-31.png Send Secure Link or images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2019-6-16_0-53-22.png Copy to Share Folder.

To share emails using a secure link:

  1. Highlight an email. From the kebab menu images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2017-12-1_22_56_0.png select images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2019-6-15_21-1-35.png Share , and then select images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2019-6-15_21-9-31.png Send Secure Link.
    The Send Secure Link dialog box appears.
    By default, the email is trackable, which means that anyone who accesses the link much enter their email address, and that event is recorded in the activity for that document.

  2. Clear the Trackable check box if you do not need to track who accesses the email.

  3. To restrict access to the link to selected users, select the the Restricted box and enter the email addresses of the recipients you want.

  4. Select GENERATE LINK.
    The link is generated and displayed.

To share emails using copy to share folder:

  1. Highlight an email. From the kebab menu images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2017-12-1_22_56_0.png select images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2019-6-15_21-1-35.png Share , and then select images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2019-6-16_0-53-35.png Copy to Share Folder.
    The Copy to Share Folder dialog box appears.

  2. From the available Share folders, choose one and then select Copy to Folder.

  3. Select Go to Location.

  4. Select the email that you copied and from the kebab menu images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2017-12-1_22_56_0.png select images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2019-6-15_21-1-35.png , and then select images/download/thumbnails/173910008/image2019-6-15_21-9-31.png Send Secure Link.
    The Send Secure Link dialog box appears.

  5. Select GENERATE LINK.
    The link is generated and displayed.