The following steps describe how to configure SAML SSO in Okta.

Configure SSO in Okta

Complete the following steps in Okta to configure single sign-on for iManage users:

  1. Create a new SAML application by navigating to Admin > Add Applications > Create App Integration.

    NOTE: When migrating from the Identity Provider (Legacy) SAML SSO to the Service Provider (Recommended) SAML SSO configuration in iManage Control Center, we recommend that you create a new application in Okta. Creating a new application in Okta allows you to preserve your existing SSO application and roll back to it if necessary.

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  2. Select SAML 2.0.

  3. Select Next. The Create SAML Integration page opens.

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  4. In App name enter a name, such as iManage.

  5. Select Next to proceed to the Configure SAML page.

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  6. Copy URL information from iManage Control Center and paste it into your IdP configuration.

    1. In iManage Control Center, browse to Network & Security > Single Sign-On (SSO), then select Copy in  SAML consumer URL.

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    2. In Okta, paste the URL in Single sign on URL.

  7. Copy URI information from iManage Control Center and paste it into your IdP configuration.

    1. In iManage Control Center, select Copy in SAML service provider metadata URL.

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    2. In Okta, paste the URI in Audience URI (SP Entity ID).

  8. Select Next.

  9. In the Feedback page, select I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app.

  10. Select Finish. The Application > Sign On page appears.

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  11. Select Edit.

  12. In Application username format, select Custom.

  13. In the next field, enter the expression to map usernames in Okta to the User ID format in iManage. To learn more about the options available, select Expression Language Reference.
    Common examples include the following:

    • John.Doe = user.firstName + "." + user.lastName

    • JDoe = substring(user.firstName, 0, 1) + user.lastName

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  14. Select Save.

  15. To update the application with your new Credential Details configuration, select Update Now. When prompted, select Update to confirm the update.

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  16. To configure which users in Okta are allowed to authenticate to iManage, select Assignments.

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  17. Select Assign > Assign to People or Assign > Assign to Groups to assign this application to users or groups, respectively.

  18. Search for the users and/or groups and then select Assign.

  19. Select Save and Go Back.

  20. When you have completed assigning users and groups, select Done.

  21. To download the Federation metadata XML file, select Identity Provider metadata.

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    The XML file opens in a new tab in your browser.

  22. To save the displayed XML as a file, right-click in your browser, and select Save As.

  23. Enter a file name and select Save.

  24. Import the Federation Metadata XML file into iManage Control Center by returning to iManage Control Center and completing the steps in Enable SAML SSO.