The learning resources on this page will get you up to speed on iManage Work New Search experience in 15 minutes or less.

Consume everything to learn how to search like an iManage Pro, or dip into the individual topics which matter most to you.


Click the video below for an overview of the iManage Work New Search Experience.

YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts provide a how-to overview of the iManage Work New Search Experience, in less than 1 minute. Click a video below to view on the iManage YouTube channel.

Quick Reference Card Bundle

iManage Quick Reference Cards are downloadable and printable documents, designed to be printed on a single page for distribution and ongoing reference.

Included in the Quick Reference Card package are individual cards for:

  • Searching for Documents

  • Searching for Emails

  • Searching for Documents and Emails

  • Searching for Clients and Matters

  • Search Results

  • Advanced Search

  • Saving Search Results as a Search Folder

  • Full-Text, Exact Match, and Alpha Numeric String Search

  • Wildcards, Special Characters, and Stop Words

  • Boolean Search Operators

  • Search Tips

Click to download the New Search Experience Quick Reference Card bundle.


Refer to the online help to make the most of the new search capabilities.

Ready for more?

useiManage provides eLearning, Quick Reference Cards and an iManage Certification pathway for all users, administrators and technical personnel across all iManage products.

Learn more about useiManage, and schedule a demo here.