The Acknowledgements page provides you with a list of all items that you are required to acknowledge. You can view the details of, and acknowledge, pending acknowledgements from the page.

You may be required, for example, to acknowledge:

  • Membership on the side of an opposing team set, for example as part of an ethical wall.
  • Addition to the staffing list of a client or matter with policy restrictions.
  • Conflicted user status on a client or matter, for example as a result of a conflict of interest.
  • Custodianship of a hold.

Viewing pending acknowledgements

To view the list of items with pending acknowledgements, select Acknowledgements on the left navigation bar. The Acknowledgements page displays.

Here you can see:

  • The ID of each asset, opposing team set or hold that you have a pending acknowledgement of.
  • The name of each asset, opposing team set or hold that you have a pending acknowledgement of.
  • Relevant  memo text for that item.

All pending acknowledgements are displayed with  on the row of the item.

Acknowledging outstanding items

To acknowledge outstanding acknowledgements:

  1. Select Acknowledgements on the left navigation bar
  2. Select anywhere on the row of the required asset or opposing team set.
    Alternatively, where applicable, select View full memo >>.

  3. The acknowledgement page opens showing the memo and any other information, as applicable.