You can edit the imWorkOptions.xml
file to customize the user experience of the iManage Work integration with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and MS Project. For example, you can customize the iManage Work dialog boxes, the footer format of iManage Work files created using Microsoft Word, iManage Work file caption format, and so on.
You can use the following keys and options for customization:
Option | Description |
General Options | |
iwAdditionalHelpLanguages | Specifies other languages for which help is available, other than the base set of languages. Default value: Empty Example: |
IntegratedProcesses | Specifies other third-party applications that should be treated as integrated applications. Example: <key name="IntegratedProcesses" value="NuancePDF"/> |
iManage.Import.DocClass | Specifies the default document class when saving files to iManage Work as a new document. Default value: Example: <key name="iManage.Import.DocClass" value="DOC"/> If the default document class is left blank, that is, the NOTE:
iManage.Import.EmailClass | Specifies the default email class when saving emails to iManage Work as a new document or new version. Default value: Email Example: <key name="iManage.Import.EmailClass" value="E-Mail"/> |
iManage.Import.EmailSubClass | Specifies the default email class subclass when saving emails to iManage Work Desktop for Windows as new documents or new versions. The default values for class is "E-Mail" and subclass is "" Example: <key name="iManage.Import.EmailClass" value="E-Mail"/> NOTE:
FileSave | Used to map the Microsoft Office's File->Save (idMso) command to a predefined iManage Work command ID—for example, "iManage.WorkSiteSavenSync". By mapping to the "iManage.WorkSiteSavenSync" command, you can save edits to iManage Work when the File->Save operation is performed. Default value: Empty Example: <key name="FileSave" value="iManage.WorkSiteSavenSync"/> NOTE:
ValidateCheckoutLocation | Used to validate the checked out file's location against the logged in user's current machine. Default value: If this value is set as Example: <key name="ValidateCheckoutLocation" value="Y"/> NOTE: For users using a multi-user environment like Citrix, the value should be set to N. |
iwOnlyKeepLatestVersionatLocal | Ensures that only one version of the file is kept in the "Recent" directory. By default, whenever you save the document as a new version, the previous version of the document will be deleted from your local directory. Valid values: "Y" or "N"; "true" or "false". Default value: Example: <key name="iwOnlyKeepLatestVersionatLocal" value="Y"/> |
footer | Includes the following keys:
Default value: As specified in the example Example: <ws_option name="footer"> To ensure that the footer is inserted automatically a document is saved to iManage Work, set the value of the AutoInsert key to Y. If the automatic insertion of footers feature is enabled, the iManage footer replaces any existing custom footer in documents. NOTE:
iwFileCaptionFormat | Specifies the document caption format in the Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The value can be combined with other text or characters. It uses the members of the WSProfileAttributeID enumeration, with "{" and "}" around them. Default value: #{imProfileDocNum}v{imProfileVersion}<{imProfileDatabase}> - {imProfileDescription} Example: <key name="iwFileCaptionFormat" value="#{imProfileDocNum}v{imProfileVersion}<{imProfileDatabase}> - {imProfileDescription}" /> |
iwFileNameSizeFormat | Formats the file name and size information when sending emails using the Default value: {imProfileDescription}.{imProfileExtension} ({imProfileSize}) Example: <key name="iwFileNameSizeFormat" value="{imProfileDescription}.{imProfileExtension} ({imProfileSize})" /> |
iwAttachmentFileNameFormat | Formats the file name information when sending it as an email attachment. Default value: {imProfileDescription}({imProfileDocNum}.{imProfileVersion}.{imProfileExtension}) Example: <key name="iwAttachmentFileNameFormat" value="{imProfileDescription}({imProfileDatabase}.{imProfileDocNum}.{imProfileVersion}.{imProfileExtension})" /> |
iwPurgeRecentAgeThreshold | Whenever you open a file from iManage Work using the iManage Work Desktop for Windows application, a copy of the file is downloaded to the %AppData%\Roaming\iManage\Work\Recent folder. Unless deleted manually, the files remained in the folder. To prevent files from accumulating and unnecessarily increasing hard disk space usage and to prevent the risk of accidentally deleting files that were taken offline, the Purge feature automatically removes files that are older than a configurable number of days from the Default value: As specified in the example Minimum value: 1 <key name="iwPurgeRecentAgeThreshold" value ="30"/> NOTE:
iwAllowIWLCallsFromSpecifiedBrowsers | This option can be used to control which web browsers are allowed to make direct iwl:// calls. Microsoft Edge is enabled by default. This is for the integration between the browser and the iManage Work Desktop for Windows to function. Other browsers do not require this support and hence are disabled by default. Disabling this functionality when not required is advised for security reasons. This is a comma delimited list of browser names. Possible names are: edge, firefox, chrome, i explore, and opera. Default value: edge Example: <key name="iwAllowIWLCallsFromSpecifiedBrowsers" value ="edge"/> |
iwLegacyFilePostConvertionAction | This option saves the Microsoft Office documents converted from legacy formats to the latest file formats to the iManage Work Server and replaces the legacy document with the latest format automatically. This option is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the value to -1. Default value:0 Example: <key name="iwLegacyFilePostConvertionAction" value ="0"/> NOTE: If this option is disabled, the converted file format will not be uploaded to the server and the changes will exist only locally. If the file is not saved to the server, the file in the Recent directory can get corrupted even if the same user tries to download the file again. |
iwSaveAttachmentAsNewVersion.SelectAllFilterByDefault | This option ensures that all supported files formats are shown by default in the dialog box used when saving a document. If not specified, the default behavior is to filter the document list based on the extension of the selected attachment. Default value: N Example: <key name="iwSaveAttachmentAsNewVersion.SelectAllFilterByDefault" value="N"/> |
iwSaveAsNewVersionInAcrobat.SelectAllFilterByDefault | This option ensures that all supported file formats are shown by default in the Select a File dialog box when saving a PDF file as a new version. Default value: Example: <key name="iwSaveAsNewVersionInAcrobat.SelectAllFilterByDefault" value="N"/> |
iwCopyCommentsFromPreviousVersion | Ensures version comments are copied over from previous version when a new version is created using Microsoft Office applications.
When the value is Y, the comments are carried over only when users are creating a new version of the document using Microsoft Office integration. If the users are going to upload a new version using the right click context menu from iManage Work or iManage Work Panel in Microsoft Outlook, the comments are not carried over from previous version. If users are saving new version of a document by using smart documents or by saving attachments from an email, the comments from the previous version are not carried over. This is because when using Microsoft Office integration, users are typically creating a new version of an existing document. However, when uploading a new version from web, it is a new document. Similarly, uploading Smart Attachments is a new file. Hence, the comments are not carried over from previous version. Instead, the sender information and date/time stamp are placed in the comments. NOTE:
Default value: Y Example: <key name="iwCopyCommentsFromPreviousVersion" value="Y"/> |
Keys under this option enables automatic correction of message properties for the Reply, Reply All, and Forward options in encrypted emails. Default value: N <ws_option name="email"> | |
backstageView | This option is available only when CacheObjects is set to "Y" and enhances the performance on loading the items shown on the backstage when performing file open and save action. It also loads the recent documents and folders in a background tasks once the server is connected. “AutoUpdateView” option is disabled by default and users can manually refresh the backstage view. If this option is enabled, every time a file is opened (checked-out) or closed (checked-in or unlocked), the backstage view should be updated with the latest changes. Example: <ws_option name="backstageView"> |
| Includes the following keys:
Example: <ws_option name="webdownload"> |
SaveAsPDFDefaultDisposition | Specifies the default disposition for documents that are saved as a PDF. The valid values are new version and new document. Default value: " ". Example: <key name="SaveAsPDFDefaultDisposition" value=""/>
Outlook | This includes the following keys:
Example: |
iwTestServerDomains | Used to identify non-production servers that have data analytics feature enabled. Default value: "" Example: <key name="iwTestServerDomains" value=""/> |
iwAutologinOnAgentStartup | Enables authentication to servers without user interference when iManage Work Agent starts. Default value: " " <key name="iwAutologinOnAgentStartup" value="Y"/> |
iManBlockUpdateLinkAtOpen | Enables or disables Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel to prompt user to update links when opening a container file from iManage Work Server.
Example: <key name="iManBlockUpdateLinkAtOpen" value =""/> |
iwLocale | Sets the locale for the iManage Work Desktop Windows in Microsoft Office and Microsoft Outlook. The value provided within the empty string overrides the configured Windows display language for Microsoft Windows. If the strings are empty (default setting), the Windows display language language that is specified using the regional setting in the Control Panel in Microsoft Windows applies. The value can be any language that iManage Work Desktop for Windows supports. Empty strings ("") are provided to add the locale value as desired. The value must be specified in "languagecode-country/regioncode" format, where,
Default value: " ". Example: To display the application in Spanish, use the following setting: <ws_option> Similarly, to display the application in Japanese, use the following setting: <ws_option> NOTE:
Microsoft Office Backstage view keysIn the Backstage view, the document details string is displayed using the two keys as follows: "iwBackstageFileFormatSection1" + " " + "iwBackstageFileFormatSection2" | |
iwBackstageFileFormatSection1 | Used for displaying the first part of the document details string in the Backstage view. It uses the members of the WSProfileAttributeID enumeration, with "{" and "}" around them. Default value: {imProfileDescription}.{imProfileExtension} |
Example: <key name="iwBackstageFileFormatSection1" value="{imProfileDescription}.{imProfileExtension}"/> | |
iwBackstageFileFormatSection2 | Used for displaying the second part of the document details string in the Backstage view. It uses the members of the Default value: | v{imProfileVersion} | #{imProfileDocNum} | {imProfileAuthor} | {imProfileEditDate} | {imProfileSize} |
Example: <key name="iwBackstageFileFormatSection2" value="| v{imProfileVersion} | #{imProfileDocNum} | {imProfileAuthor} | {imProfileEditDate} | {imProfileSize}"/> | |
iwFileShortcutFormat | Used for displaying the shortcut of files under My Favorites in the Backstage view; the default value will be the description only. It uses the members of the Default value: {imProfileDescription} Example: <key name="iwFileShortcutFormat" value="{imProfileDescription}"/> |
iwFileShortcutDescriptionFormat | Used for displaying a shortcut document's target information. The same string can also be found in Default value: Shortcut to document {imProfileDocNum} in library {imProfileDatabase} |
Example: <key name="iwFileShortcutDescriptionFormat" value="Shortcut to document {imProfileDocNum} in library {imProfileDatabase}"/> | |
iwUseFileName4NewVersion | Sets the new document version's description field based on the local file name, instead of using the description of the existing version. Valid values: " Default value: Example: <key name="iwUseFileName4NewVersion" value ="N"/> |
iManage Work Agent options | |
workagent | Helps in monitoring the progress of background tasks, for example, printing, check-in, checkout, and so on. Includes the following keys:
Example: <ws_option name="workagent" applyToAll="true"> |
Notifications for checked-out files | |
iwCheckoutOverdueAgeThreshold | iManage Work Desktop for Windows reminds users that they have documents checked out that they need to check in. By default, users see iManage Agent notifications if documents are left checked out for more than six hours. Specify the number of hours after which the user is reminded if documents remain checked out. Default value: 6 Example:
NOTE: Ensure that the value is not 0. This setting can be enabled or disabled using the following key: |
iwUseCheckoutOverdueReminder | Enable or disable the reminder that warns the user about the documents that remain checked out. Valid values: " Default value: Y Example: <key name="iwUseCheckoutOverdueReminder" value="Y"/> |
iwDocCloseReminderTimeOfDay | Specify the time of the day when the user is reminded to close the checked out documents. For example, if the user generally leaves office at 6.30 pm, change the default time to 18:30. Valid values: hour:minute (24-hour format) Default value: Example: <key name="iwDocCloseReminderTimeOfDay" value="16:30"/> |
iwDocCloseReminderSnoozeDuration | Specify the duration in minutes after which the close documents reminder reappears if the user closes it. Value range: Default value: 10 Example: <key name="iwDocCloseReminderSnoozeDuration" value="10"/> |
iwDocCloseReminderMaxSnoozeNum | Specify the number of times the close documents reminder appears before being dismissed for the day. Value range: Default value: Example: <key name="iwDocCloseReminderMaxSnoozeNum" value="3"/> |
iwUseDocCloseReminder | Enable or disable the reminder that warns the user to close the document that remain checked out after the specified time of the day. Valid values: " Default value: N Example: <key name="iwUseDocCloseReminder" value="N"/> |
Additional options | |
DefaultOpen | Includes a list of actions available in the iManage Work Open dialog box. You can modify them using the following keys. You can set the values of these keys to any desired string. For example, the Default value: As specified in the example. |
Example: <ws_option name="DefaultOpen" applyToAll="false" > Default options: After setting the | |
documentLinkCommands | The following keys provide the default options in the iManage Work Browse dialog box to insert the selected document as a hyperlink (IWL link). The first option inserts the link to the latest version of the selected document, and the second option inserts Default value: As specified in the example Example: <ws_option name="documentLinkCommands" applyToAll="false" > |
audit | Determines whether or not to enable and log the audit history events related to the Print operation. Default value: As specified in the example Example: <ws_option name ="audit"> |
integration | Define the options used by iManage Work Desktop for Windows for the integration with Microsoft Office.
NOTE: If the value of WordDocumentOpenFilter, ExcelDocumentOpenFilter, PowerPointDocumentOpenFilter, VisioDocumentOpenFilter or ProjectDocumentOpenFilter is enabled, make sure the string would work for your current UI specific language. PassiveMode: iManage Work Desktop for Windows supports passive integration mode with Microsoft Office. If PassiveMode setting is "Y", upon creating a new document, iManage Work Desktop for Windows will not try to take over the build-in operations unless it is an iManage file. Ribbon buttons do not need to be remapped in this mode and the functionality of the Open and Save operations remain unchanged. Default value: N IntegratedProcesses: iManage Work Windows for Desktop has a hard-coded list of integrated applications like Microsoft Offce and Adobe and this option extends the list. Integrated processes are expected to check-in documents on their own when the document is closed. The value is the process names separated by comma. Default value: empty string InsertiManageField: If this setting is "Y", when focus is in the iManage file's header or footer, user can select a predefined profile field to be inserted into the document. NOTE: This is no longer needed in Work Desktop for Windows 10.2.5 or later. The feature is enabled by specifying an iwFirmID. Default value: N AdobeReaderIntegrated and AdobeIntegrated: From version 10.7.0 onwards, support is added to iManage Work Desktop for Windows to work in non-integrated mode with Adobe Acrobat Pro and Adobe Acrobat Reader. When users check-out PDF files from iManage Work, make necessary edits, and close files, all changes made are checked in to iManage Work. This integration helps users who run Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Acrobat Reader in Protective mode on their machines to continue working seamlessly on PDF files saved to iManage Work. You have to set AdobeIntegrated for Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (32-bit and 64-bit and AdobeReaderIntegrated for Adobe Acroabt DC Reader (32-bit only) values to N to enable non-integrated mode. Users can use non-integrated mode for Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (64-bit and 32-bit) and Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) when iManage Work plugin is not installed in these applications. Non-integrated mode should not be enabled if iManage Work plug-in is already added and is used actively. ResetWordTemplatesAfterKeyboardBinding: Binding keyboard shortcuts to commands in Microsoft Word can cause the NormalTemplate dirty. Microsoft Word add-in does not save this change by default. Use this option to disable resetting the NormalTemplate's Saved status back after keyboard binding. By disabling this option, user might be prompted to save the changes in NormalTemplate when closing the application. The default value is Y (enabled). MonitorWordTemplates: Use MonitorWordTemplates to disable monitoring the Microsoft Word's Templates saved status on closing file or shutting down the application. The default value is Y (enabled). PictureDocumentOpenFilter and VisioPictureDocumentOpenFilter: Use these configurations to display all the image types when using the Picture option to insert pictures saved to iManage Work. Example: <ws_option name="integration"> |
iwReEnabledAddinOption | Determines the automatic re-enabling behavior for the disabled iManage add-ins for Microsoft Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Visio, and MS Project when you launch the applications the next time. Example: Valid values: 0: Add-ins are automatically enabled and an iManage Work Agent notification is displayed the next time the user launches the applications.
Default value: Example: <key name="iwReEnabledAddinOption" value ="0"/> |
adobeconversion | Enables users to choose the Adobe convertor for saving documents as PDFs to iManage Work using the iManage > Save as PDF option in integrated Microsoft Office applications. Valid values: " Default value: Example: <ws_option name="adobeconversion" applyToAll="true"> |
shellexecute | Enables you to reduce security vulnerability by blacklisting certain file types to prevent users from opening or printing these files using iManage Work Desktop for Windows or the iManage Work web client. NOTE: Certain file types are already hardcoded in the application to block them from using the ShellExecute function in Windows for example, executables and JavaScript files. As a result, users cannot open or print these type of files. Includes the following keys:
Default value: Empty Example: <ws_option name="shellexecute"> |
iManageEnhancedAccessibility | Enables or disable iManage Work enhanced accessibility functions in iManage Work Desktop for Windows. For example, tab stoppable label in the message box. Valid values: "Y" to enable the functions, "N" or "" to disable the functions. Default: "" <key name="iManageEnhancedAccessibility" value =""/> |
iwResetWebView2CacheFolderOnStartup | This option resets or does not re-use iManage WebView2 cache folder. Valid values: "Y" to enable the feature, "N" or "" to disable the feature. Default: "" <key name="iwResetWebView2CacheFolderOnStartup" value=""/> |
OpenAsReadOnlyTypes | This option ensures documents with the specific matching type are opened as read-only. Users can add or remove any document types (separated by comma) which needs to be opened as read-only by using this setting. Default value: "MIME,NOTES,GW,ZIP" <key name="OpenAsReadOnlyTypes" value="MIME,NOTES,GW,ZIP" /> |
OpenAsEditByTypes | NRL document's open in protected mode, by default. When this option is not supported by the application, the document opens in read-only, by default. When opening PDF files, users can add or remove any document types (separated by comma) that are required to be opened the documents in edit mode using this setting. Default value: "ACROBAT" <key name="OpenAsEditByTypes" value="ACROBAT" /> |
iManageOleLinking | Enables or disables iManage OLE linking features in Microsoft Office integration. Valid values: "Y" to enable the feature, "N" or "" to disable the feature. Default value: "" <key name="iManageOleLinking" value =""/> |
coauthoring | For more information, refer to the Customizing the User Experience in Office Applications section in iManage Work Co-Authoring Guide 10.2. |
excel | Keys under this option can be used to resolve a currency format issue in Microsoft Excel. By default, the keys are not enabled. NOTE: This workaround causes the <ws_option name="excel"> |
Inserting document information fields (in the footer area of Microsoft Word) | |
iwFirmID | The value for this key is a unique identifier for that company (usually the firm ID). When enabled, it allows iManage profile fields to be manually inserted in the footer of a Microsoft Word document. The inserted fields are linked to the value specified. NOTE:
Valid values: English language characters. This has a character limit of 15. <key name="iwFirmID" value=""/> |
List of default fields available to add to the footer in Microsoft Word when the feature is enabled are specified below. The field names are specified in the value enclosed by curly braces. These are available under <ws_option name="iManFields">.
You can add fields by adding the value to a key in the same syntax. For example, to add the <key name="iManage.Profile.Database" value="{imProfileDatabase}"/> See Appendix C - WSProfileAttributeID Enumerators for a complete list of fields. |
Deprecated option
- The
option that was introduced in iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.2.4 for inserting custom fields in the footer in Microsoft Word documents is deprecated. This feature can now be enabled just by entering a firm name or ID using theiwFirmID
option. - The
that was introduced in iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.2.6 for specifying the country-region code to be used when displaying File Selection and File Save dialog boxes is deprecated. TheiwLocale
option should be used instead and this option sets the language to all components of iManage Work Desktop for Windows.