This page lists some specific error conditions and configuration changes for which registry changes are recommended. These changes can be performed on users' computers individually, or applied through administrative controls.

Error / Conditions / Configuration changes

Windows registry changes

In Microsoft Word, when you select Hyperlink in the iManage ribbon, you may see a trust security warning before you can insert an iwl hyperlink.

Add the following registry key:

Security\Trusted Protocols\All Applications\iwl:

Specifying an authentication method for each iManage Work server.


servername is the name of the Work server.

  1. Add the following registry key:


    servername is the name of the iManage Work server.

  2. Add the new string - PreferredLoginType

  3. Add the value for this string according to the type of authentication you use:

    • Virtual

    • Network

    • Kerberos

    • Saml

    • OAuth2

Repeat this for each server if you use more than one iManage Work.