June 2019

Download multiple files

Select multiple files and download it to a location on your computer. When downloading the files, you can decide between downloading individual files or a single ZIP file, which ensures that all the downloaded files are zipped together for easy sharing.

Relocate content from search result or recent lists

Previously, users had to navigate into each folder before being able to move the documents, which was time-consuming and tedious. Users can now search for documents and relocate them to another destination folder, allowing them to easily organize their files. If a single document is referenced in multiple locations, users are notified, so that they can decide which documents they intend to move.

Easily share emails with external parties

There are times when you need to attach an email as a reference. It is easier than ever to share filed emails with your clients. You can simply copy emails to your clients’ folders or share secured links, which can be managed with the tracking ability and expiration as needed.

Efficiently delete multiple versions of a document

With a single operation, you can delete the entire document, which might include multiple versions. Security privileges will still be respected, which means if you do not have access to a version of a document, you will not be able to delete it. If you deleted the document accidently, you can easily restore it from your Work 10 Trash, without needing to ask IT for assistance.

Quickly access items that matter to you

Does your work revolve around Projects, instead of individual documents or emails. Now you can set your home page to be either Recent Projects, Emails, or even Clients/Engagements. Alternatively, if you prefer to start your day by accessing a bookmarked item, such as a document template, you can do that too with iManage Work.

General improvements

  • If a deleted target workspace is still listed under a Category in My Matters, you can remove that workspace and clean up your My Matters.
  • Search has been enhanced to appropriately handle queries that include document numbers separated by commas or spaces.

Usability, stability, and performance improvements

To improve the overall usability and performance, several enhancements and fixes have been added



November 2018

Help tips to facilitate self-learning

iManage Work user experience has now been enhanced further with descriptive help tips that aid self-learning.

descriptive help tips

Moving items from recent lists or search results

Found documents that are not saved in the correct location? Now you can simply select all those documents and move them from the search result to re-organize your work. This feature is supported when performing both Simple and Advanced Search, and it allows you to move 50 items at a time.

move items from search results

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