Handling DPI scaling in iManage Work Desktop for Windows

iManage Work Desktop for Windows (version 10.7.1 and later) supports DPI scaling. Hence, from now, when you change the display resolution and DPI values of your monitor in Display settings after opening iManage Work Desktop for Windows, then the application renders and displays the file picker dialog boxes (iManage Open, iManage Save, and so on) to the new DPI value set.

For example, set your display resolution to 1920 x 1080. Open Microsoft Word and connect to iManage Work Desktop for Windows and select iManage Open to open the iManage Open dialog box. Now, change the display resolution to 3840 x 2160 and set the Change the size of text, apps, and other items to 200% in Display settings. iManage Work Desktop for Window automatically renders and displays the iManage Open dialog box to the new DPI value set, that is, 200%.

Similarly, if you are using multiple monitors with each monitor set to a different display resolution and DPI, when you move the iManage file picker dialog boxes between the monitors, then iManage Work Desktop for Windows automatically renders and displays the file picker dialog boxes as per monitor DPI settings. This is also applicable when you use a docking station to dock or undock your laptop.

For example, set the display resolution and DPI to 1920 x1080 and DPI to 150% on your primary monitor. Set the display resolution and DPI on your secondary monitor to 3840 x 2160 and DPI to 200%, Open Microsoft Word and connect to iManage Work Desktop for Windows and select iManage Open to open the iManage Open dialog box on your primary monitor. Now move the iManage Open dialog box to the secondary monitor. iManage Work Desktop for Windows automatically renders and displays the iManage Open dialog box to the new DPI value set, that is, 200%.

With this enhancement, when you change your display resolution and DPI, the file picker dialog boxes do not appear blurry or displaced.


  • Ensure Optimize for compatibility (application restart required) is set for each Microsoft Office and Microsoft Outlook applications under File > Options > User Interface Options > When using multiple displays.

  • Setting the display resolution to a value 800 x 600 or below makes the text in the file picker dialog boxes unreadable. Set the display resolution to 1024 x 768 or above.