1. On the iManage menu, select Connect Choose. The sign in dialog box appears.
  2. In the Web address field, enter the URL of the iManage Work Server 10.4.2 or later.
  3. Select Login.
  4. Enter your iManage login credentials to connect.
  5. Repeat the steps to connect to other servers. The servers are added to the Connect list.


    • If you are already logged in to an iManage Work Server 10.4.2 or later using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Pro/Acrobat Reader, an additional logon in Outlook is not required. A check mark is displayed for the server to which you are connected.
    • You can connect to only one server across all iManage Work Desktop for Windows applications at a time. To connect to another server, repeat the process.

You can switch between the available iManage Work Servers to access documents across multiple servers. On the iManage tab, select Connect, and then select the server that you want to connect to. A tick mark appears for the server indicating that you are currently connected to it.

The different iManage dialog boxes, such as Open, Save As, Select File to Insert, and New Version also display the name of the server that you are currently connected to. For example, if you choose to connect to https://ajuba.imanage.com/, the iManage Open dialog box displays the title Open [ajuba.imanage.com].

You can switch the server view in these iManage dialog boxes by using the Connect to server list to access the desired documents/locations on the selected server. For more information, see Switching server view in iManage dialog boxes.