You can file emails using keyboard shortcuts by doing the following: 

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook and press CTRL+Y to access the Go to Folder dialog box.
  2. Use the RIGHT/LEFT or UP/DOWN arrow keys and then press ENTER. The focus shifts to the selected folder and all the emails in the folder are displayed in the reading pane. 
  3. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the email you want to file to iManage Work. You can also select multiple files using the keyboard shortcuts that Microsoft Outlook provides.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Access the Browse and File option using one of the following options:  
      • Press CTRL+ALT+B.
      • Press ALT to display the shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook and then press the shortcut for accessing the File option in the iManage Work group in Microsoft Outlook. For example, after pressing ALT, press H to access the Home tab and then press Y1. The drop-down appears. Use the TAB key or the UP/DOWN arrow keys to navigate to the Browse and File option and press ENTER. Alternatively, press the shortcut key displayed in the drop-down to access Browse and File option. 
      • Press SHIFT and F10. The right-click menu appears. Use the TAB or the UP/DOWN arrow keys to navigate to the File option in the right-click menu. When the File option is highlighted, press the RIGHT/LEFT arrow keys to access the Browse and File option.
      The Select Filing Location dialog box appears. Use the TAB key or the UP/DOWN arrow keys to navigate to the Browse and File option and press ENTER. The Select Filing Location dialog box appears. Use the TAB key or the UP/DOWN or RIGHT/LEFT arrow and ENTER keys to browse, search, or select file locations.
      To file to multiple locations, navigate to the File to multiple locations checkbox and press ENTER to select the checkbox. Select the filing locations using the TAB key or the UP/DOWN arrow keys. Navigate to the Add to Filing Locations button and then press ENTER to add the selected locations. 
      Use TAB or ENTER keys to highlight and select/unselect the checkboxes. Press ENTER to file your email. The email is filed to the selected location(s). To close the Select Filing Location dialog box without making any selections, press ESC

    • Navigate to the search field using the TAB key or RIGHT/LEFT or UP/DOWN arrow keys and iManage Work toolbar. Alternatively, use CTRL+ALT+T to move the focus on the search field. 
      Enter the location name and press ENTER. Use UP/DOWN arrows to select a folder within a folder or select a filing location from the search results. Alternatively, if a list of filing locations is already displayed in the search field, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select a folder within a folder or select the filing location. After the filing location is selected, press ENTER. The location is now displayed in the search field. Using the TAB key, navigate to the Quick File button and select it. Press the shortcut (for example, Q) displayed in Microsoft Outlook or Spacebar to file the emails to iManage Work. 
      Alternatively, press SHIFT and F10. The right-click menu appears. Use the TAB key or the UP/DOWN arrow keys to navigate to the Quick File option in the right-click menu. Once Quick File is highlighted, press ENTER. The emails are filed to the selected location. 
      Use the TAB key and Spacebar to focus and select/unselect the various options available in the iManage Work toolbar, like clearing the selection made, setting the languages, and selecting/unselecting the various checkboxes available. 

    • if you have a list of filing locations already displayed in the File option in the iManage Work group, you can select the filing location by doing the following:
      • Press ALT to display the shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook and then press the shortcut displayed to access the File option in iManage Work group in Microsoft Outlook. For example, after pressing ALT, press H to access the Home tab and then press Y1. The drop-down appears. Use the TAB key or the UP/DOWN arrow keys to navigate to the list of filing options that are displayed and press ENTER. Alternatively, press the shortcut key displayed in drop-down list to access the filing location. 
      • Press SHIFT and F10. The right-click menu appears. Use the TAB or the UP/DOWN arrow keys to navigate to the File option on the right-click menu. When the File option is highlighted, press the RIGHT/LEFT arrow keys to access the list of locations that are available. When the location is highlighted, press ENTER
      The emails are filed to the selected location. 

Sending and filing emails

You can send and file emails using keyboard shortcuts by doing the following: 

  1. In Microsoft Outlook, use the shortcut key, which is provided by Microsoft to open a new email window.
  2. Do one of the following to select the filing location: 
    • Press F6 to shift the focus to the search field in iManage Work. Enter the location name and then press ENTER. Use the UP/DOWN arrows to select a folder within a folder or select a filing location from the search results. Alternatively, if a list of filing locations is already displayed in the search field, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select a folder within a folder or select the filing location. Once the filing location is selected, press ENTER. The location is now displayed in the search field.
      Use the TAB key and Spacebar to focus and and select/deselect the various options available in the iManage Work toolbar, like clearing the selection made, setting the languages, and selecting/clearing the various checkboxes available on the toolbar.

    • Use the TAB key until Select Locations is highlighted and then press SPACEBAR. The Select Filing Location dialog box appears. Use the TAB key or the UP/DOWN or RIGHT/LEFT arrow keys and ENTER to browse, search, or select file locations.
      To file to multiple locations, navigate to File to multiple locations checkbox and press ENTER to select the checkbox. Select the filing locations using the TAB key or the UP/DOWN arrow keys. Navigate to the Add to Filing Locations button and then press ENTER to add the selected locations. 
      Use the TAB and ENTER keys to highlight and select/clear the checkboxes. When the locations are added, press ENTER
  3. (Optional) To insert attachments, press ALT to display the shortcut keys and then press the shortcut displayed to insert an iManage Work attachment. For example, press M to access the Message tab and then press Y2 to access Insert iManage Attachment. The iManage Select dialog box appears. Navigate through this dialog box using the TAB key and the RIGHT/LEFT and UP/DOWN arrows keys to select the attachment to be inserted. 
  4. Send the email using the shortcut keys defined by Microsoft. The email is sent and also filed to iManage Work.

For information about how to file emails to iManage Work, refer to Filing Emails.

Retry email filing

You can retry email filing using the following keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook and press CTRL+Y to access the Go to Folder dialog box.
  2. Use the RIGHT/LEFT and UP/DOWN arrow keys and then press ENTER. The focus shifts to the selected folder and all the emails in the folder are displayed in the reading pane. 
  3. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the email you want to file to iManage Work. You can also select multiple files using the keyboard shortcuts that Microsoft Outlook provides.
  4. Press SHIFT+F10 to display the right-click menu.
  5. Use UP and DOWN arrows to select Retry Filing. Alternatively, you can press R or the shortcut displayed in the right-click menu for Retry Filing to select Retry Filing and then press ENTER.
    All the emails not previously filed due to errors are filed back to previously selected locations. 

For more information about email filing errors and retry filing features, refer to Email filing errors and retry filing.

Additionally, refer to the following table for keyboard shortcut keys when performing various filing actions. 


English (US)

German (de)

Spanish (es)

Brazil-Portuguese (PT-BR)

French (FR)

French-Canadian (FR-CA)

Japanese (ja)

Chinese (zh)

File multi selection







No hotkey


Add to filing locations


















Send only









Send and file







