If your administrator has configured it, all emails are filed as private. The AlwaysPrivateForEmails option is disabled by default. When enabled, the following behavior is seen:

  • File As Private option appears selected whenever you open Microsoft Outlook.
  • Emails are filed as private, even if you uncheck the private filing option on the iManage Work toolbar or the filing location dialog box. The check box appears selected again after Microsoft Outlook is restarted.
  • Access control lists (ACLs) for the folder to which the email is filed are not applied, that is, the email is visible only to you (the user who filed it).
  • Emails are filed as private even when they are filed to public folders.
  • Applies to all filed emails (filed using both client-side and server-side filing) and even to emails that filed by dragging them into iManage folders.

For more information, refer to the AlwaysPrivateForEmails option in Additional Options table in the imEmm.config section in iManage Work Desktop for Windows Customization Guide.