The following are the prerequisites when you work with documents with linked objects.

  • iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.8.0 or later. 


    OLE linking is not supported when using iManage Work Desktop for Windows in Conservative mode or Compatibility mode with iManage Work desktop clients like iManage DeskSite or iManage FileSite. 

  • iManage Drive 10.7.1 or later must be installed and running on the same device on which iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.8.0 or later is installed. 
    For information about installing iManage Drive on your system using Auto Updates, contact your administrator or refer to the Installing iManage Drive using iManage Auto Updates and Quick setup post installation sections in iManage Drive Administrator Help.
  • iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.8.0 or later and iManage Drive 10.7.1 or later must be configured to connect to the same iManage Work Server. 
  • iManage Work 10.4.4 or later is required for on-premises users, and iManage Work 10.2.2539 or later is required for iManage Cloud users to display container documents with a link icon in iManage Work. 
  • iManage Work Desktop for Windows must be installed on a standard desktop or on a persistent VDI for all users using the OLE linking feature. 


    Non-persistent VDI environments are not supported.

  • The container and source documents must be available on the same iManage Work Server. 
  • Both source and container documents must be available within a maximum of 20 workspaces that should be uniquely named. 
  • You can only create OLE Links using only Microsoft Excel 2007 .xlsx formatted documents. Microsoft Excel 2003 .xls file format is not supported. 
  • You must have one of the following versions of Microsoft Office installed:
    • Microsoft Excel 2016 
    • Microsoft Excel in Microsoft 365 version 2110 or earlier versions
    • Microsoft Excel in Microsoft 365 version 2204 (Monthly channel) and later
    • Microsoft Excel in Microsoft 365 2208 (Semi-Annual channel) and later


      If you are using any other version of Microsoft 365, the iManage Links Manager Change Source option does not work and this prevents the upgraded iManage Classic links from being opened for editing and can cause Microsoft Office to become unresponsive. Microsoft Office 2019 and Microsoft Office 2021 also have this issue. This is a Microsoft issue and Microsoft has confirmed that is addressed in the following releases (MS Case #:29667012):

      • Monthly Channel: The fix is available in the Current Channel version 2204 and is available for users from second week of May 2022.
      • Monthly Enterprise Channel: The fix is available in the Monthly Enterprise Channel in version 2204 and is available for users in the patch Tuesday release for June 2022.
      • Semi-Annual Channel (Preview): The fix is available in Microsoft's Semi-Annual Channel (Preview) update for Office 365 subscription customers in version 2208 and is available for users in the patch Tuesday release for September 2022.
      • Semi-Annual Channel: The fix will be available in Semi-Annual Channel update for Microsoft Office 365 subscription customers in version 2208. The fix is expected to be available to users in the patch Tuesday release for January 2023.
      • Office 2021: The fix will not be available for Microsoft Office 2021.
      • Office 2019: The fix will not be available for Microsoft Office 2019.
  • You can use OLE links within Microsoft Excel only. You cannot currently link one type of Microsoft Office document to another. For example, a Microsoft Excel document cannot be inserted as a source document in a Microsoft Word document, or a Microsoft Word document cannot be inserted as a source document in a Microsoft PowerPoint document. 
  • Link source documents to a Microsoft Excel container file using iManage Work integration. Do not open linked documents directly from M:\ drive in Microsoft Windows explorer

Also, your administrator must enable the Manage File Links option by setting the iManageOleLinking configuration setting to Y in the  imWorkOptions.xml file. For information about enabling this configuration setting, contact your administrator. 


  • We recommend that the iManageOleLinking configuration is set to Y only after all your users who use linked documents are upgraded to iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.8.0 or later and iManage Drive 10.7.1 or later. 
  • If you are installing iManage Drive for the first time on your device, complete the post-installation configuration and sync your workspaces after installing the application.