Searching in the Microsoft Teams command box

  1. Type @iManage inside the command box to invoke the iManage bot.

  2. Select iManage > Documents. Enter the required search syntax, followed by the corresponding metadata to find the document. The search results are displayed.
    Select iManage > Help to view the list of supported search syntax.

  3. Select the document you wish to share. The document appears as an adaptive card with the Copy (images/download/thumbnails/117474413/Screenshot_2021-04-15_at_12.38.12_PM.png ) option.

  4. Select images/download/thumbnails/117474413/Screenshot_2021-04-15_at_12.38.12_PM.png and then paste the document link in the desired chat to share it with other users.

Figure: Invoking iManage bot in the Teams command box

The following table explains how to use the search syntaxes:

Table: Search syntaxes and their operation


Search syntax




Document number search

  1. Type #<document number>

  2. Select Enter.

Input: #23

Output: Document number 23 is displayed in the search result.


Document number search with the document's version

  1. Type #<docnumber.version>

  2. Select Enter.

Input: #23.1

Output: Version 1 of document number 23 is displayed in the search result.


Work library search with the document number

  1. Type #<work_libraryname!docnumber>

  2. Select Enter.

Input: #work_apac!23

Output: Document number 23 present in the work_apac library is displayed in the search result.


Work library search with the document number and the document's version

  1. Type #<work_libraryname!docnumber.version>

  2. Select Enter.

Input: #work_apac!23.1

Output: Version 1 of document number 23 present in the work_apac library is displayed in the search result.


Document title search

  1. Type title <document title>
    Type title: <document title>

  2. Select Enter.

Input: title Contract document

Output: Documents with the title Contract document are displayed in the search results.


Document keyword search

  1. Type keyword <search term>
    Type keyword: <search term>

  2. Select Enter.
    A list of documents containing the keyword is displayed.

Input: keyword litigation

Output: All documents containing the term litigation are displayed in the search results.


Document author search

  1. Type @<author name>
    Type author <author name>

  2. Select Enter.
    A list of documents by the author is displayed.

Input: @andrew

Output: All documents created by the user, Andrew are displayed in the search results.

For information on configuring search type, setting the preferred database, and more, see Additional search information.