The integration with Microsoft Teams will not operate correctly if your iManage Work environment has IP restrictions in place. These restrictions block access to Microsoft Teams, which is hosted on a range of Microsoft IP addresses. For more information or to remove IP restrictions, contact iManage Cloud Support.

Step 1: Add the Microsoft Teams Configuration application in iManage Control Center

To configure Microsoft Teams for iManage Work, you must first add the Microsoft Teams Configuration app to iManage Control Center.

  1. In iManage Control Center, select Settings in the left pane and then select Applications.

  2. Select Add Application

  3. In the Add Application dialog, select Upload Package and then select the file provided by iManage.

  4. In the Add Application dialog, all settings are pre-configured by iManage. Select Authentication > Access > Review > Finish
    The Microsoft Teams Configuration application is added to the list of configured applications. 

  5. Refresh the iManage Control Center page to display the Microsoft Teams extension under Extensions in the side panel.

  6. Continue with Step 2: Map the Azure domain to iManage Work and grant Graph API permissions.

Step 2: Map the Azure domain to iManage Work and grant Graph API permissions

The following steps configure the connection between the iManage Work for Microsoft Teams app and Microsoft Teams. These steps also explain how to grant the necessary permissions for iManage Work to access users' Microsoft Teams data using the Graph API.

These permissions must be granted to allow proper functionality between Microsoft Teams and iManage Work. 

  1. In iManage Control Center, browse to the side panel and select Extensions > Microsoft Teams

  2. Select Edit under Configuration Settings. The Edit Connection Settings dialog opens.

  3. Install the Microsoft Teams application by selecting Install. If it is already installed, proceed to Step 4.


To use this extension, the user signed in to iManage Control Center must be a member of the NRTADMIN group.

  1. Configure the desired duration for Access Token Expiry as applicable to this application. By default, access tokens are set to expire after 30 minutes of inactivity. To provide a seamless user experience, we recommend setting the access token expiration to be at least 1 week (10080 mins).

  2. Below Team Azure AD Domains, enter the Azure domains that need to be mapped to the iManage Work URL. You can add one or more domains as applicable.


When mapping the Azure domain to iManage Work for the first time, you will be asked to grant authorization to iManage’s setup application to read your user profile to ensure that you have proper access to that domain.

  1. Sign in with the same Microsoft Azure domain that your organization uses to sign in to Microsoft Teams. If your organization uses multiple domains for Microsoft Teams, for example, US users using and UK users using, then it is possible to map both domains to the same iManage Work URL in the extension.

  2. Under Graph API Permissions, select Sign in to Microsoft and enter your Microsoft credentials. 

  3. In the Permissions requested dialog, select Consent on behalf of your organization, then select Accept.
    These permissions are needed to retrieve the specific Graph API permissions required for the iManage Work for Microsoft Teams application to work.
    The Edit Connection Settings dialog refreshes to display all of the required Graph API permissions. 

  4. To allow iManage Work to access these capabilities in Microsoft Teams, select Grant Consent. By granting consent, you authorize the iManage application to call APIs as required. To view the full list of Graph API permissions currently required by the iManage app, refer to Graph API Permissions for iManage.

  5. Sign in to Microsoft as a domain administrator account. 

  6. When prompted, select Accept.
    Each permission now displays a green check to indicate that consent has been granted.

  7. Select Save.  

iManage Work for Microsoft Teams app is now configured and ready to be used by your users. For more information on accessing iManage Work from the Teams interface, refer to Accessing iManage Work in the Microsoft Teams interface.

Table: Graph API Permissions for iManage

Permission name

Permission type



Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Read user activity statistics


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Read user channel messages


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Read user chat messages


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Read names and members of user chat threads


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

View users' email address


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Read all files that user can access


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Read all groups


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Maintain access to data you have given it access to


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Sign users in


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

View users' basic profile


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Read the names and descriptions of teams


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Sign in and read user profile


Microsoft Graph
Delegated permission

Read all users' basic profiles


iManage Graph Service Web Api
Application permission

Grants permission to invoke the iManage REST API for Graph services.