Exporting metadata of items in the Grid view

You can export the metadata of one or more items in the grid view to a .csv file using the Export option in the toolbar. The metadata exported are basically the column values that you have configured in the Grid view settings.

Figure: Exporting metadata from the grid view

This helps you share the exported file as a report to others within or outside your organization.

  1. Select your preferred container from the side navigation on the tree.

  2. Select images/download/thumbnails/99821407/Screenshot_2020-11-04_at_7.08.15_PM.png option adjacent to the items count on the toolbar to export the metadata of all items.
    Select the items whose metadata you prefer to export.


    The Export to CSV option is supported only in the Grid View.

    Figure: Prompt to switch the view before exporting metadata

  3. Select images/download/thumbnails/99821407/Screenshot_2020-11-04_at_7.08.15_PM.png on the toolbar.
    The report is downloaded as a .csv file in the Export-<datetime>.csv name format into the Downloads folder, as per your browser settings.