Tree view

The tree view offers improved navigation for users who prefer browsing content in a hierarchical format. With an expandable folder view, users can navigate to the following nodes as a start point:

  • Recent Matters

  • My Matters

  • My Favorites

Figure: Tree view


The tree view is available in the following views:

  • iManage Work Web in desktop view.

  • iManage Work Panel in Microsoft Outlook when the panel is docked and undocked.

In iManage Work Panel in Microsoft Outlook, when the panel is docked but the width is insufficient, the tree is contained within the Browse navigation tab.

Figure: Tree view in iManage Work panel


In the tree view, users can:

  • Access their workspaces under Recent Matters and My Matters in a single flat list that is sorted alphabetically

  • Access the Recent matters and My matters of another user's Matter list they are subscribed to

  • Dive deeper into a workspace in the same view to see the full folder hierarchy at a glance

  • Expand the tree horizontally to increase the width of the panel to fully view folders several levels deep, or hover over a workspace to see a tooltip displaying its full name

  • View up to 50 subfolders upon initial expansion of the parent folder. Select View All at the bottom of the tree to view the entire set of subfolders in the center panel

  • Select an item on the tree to see its content in the center panel. The focus also shifts automatically to select the first item in the list or grid view in the container in the center panel

  • Receive an indication if a folder or a workspace has sub-folders through the presence of the chevron


    against the container (Under My Matters a chevron is always shown at the workspace level)

  • Access newly created subfolders under a folder or workspace, by right-clicking on the item and select refresh from the right-click context menu

  • If iManage Share is enabled, select a blue Share folder in the tree view to open up the Share folder within the same tab

  • Use the following keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate within the tree and back to it from the center panel:



Up arrow

Move up the tree items

Down arrow

Move down the tree items

Right arrow

Expand the tree item

Shift Left arrow

Move the focus from center panel back to the previous item selected in the tree

Left arrow

Collapse the tree item


Selecting Enter against a workspace or folder in the tree also opens that container in the center panel and shows the list of items directly underneath it.

In the tree view, the filters are relocated to the right hand-side and open from the right-side. Applied filters are displayed on top of the results making it easier for users to see what the results are filtered by.



Tree view supports drag-and-drop of items from the center panel. Operations like move, copy and or creating shortcuts can be easily achieved by dragging items from the center panel to the tree.