Build: 10.7.1 (May 2022)

Access user help from iManage Drive for Mac

You can now access iManage Drive user help available at from iManage Drive. Select  and then select Help to access the latest help files available at

Enable Preview option added to iManage Drive for Mac

You can now preview documents in Finder by using the Enable Preview option. To preview documents, select as columns in View tab, right-click any document in your iManage Drive directory, and then select Enable Preview.

Deny access to iManage Drive for Mac

Your administrator can now determine which applications can access and open the files in iManage Drive for Mac. This feature enables administrators to deny certain applications from accessing your content in iManage Drive for Mac. Administrators can also take a more conservative approach, if required and only grant select applications the rights to access your iManage Drive for Mac content. For more information about this feature, consult your administrator.

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