NOTE: To perform operations on this page, the user signed in to Control Center must be a member of the NRTADMIN group.

To view this page, the user signed in to Control Center must be assigned to a role with Tier 2 Control Center privileges.

Depending on the type of application to add, use the appropriate method to add the application in iManage Control Center:

  • Add an application package: Third-party application developers or internal developers provide an application as a ZIP file package. This application package extends or customizes iManage Work and must contain the following:

    • A manifest file manifest.yaml that contains the information about the client application to be uploaded to iManage Work. For more information about the format and contents of the manifest file, refer to the Extensions section in iManage Work Web SDK Guide.
      NOTE: As a best practice, an application developer should provide all the information required for OAuth 2.0 configuration in the manifest file to the administrator. This streamlines the registration process for an administrator.

    • The collection of all files needed to run the application or web page.

  • Adding an application manually: The application developer provides the information for registering an application to the iManage Control Center administrator. This application only accesses data from iManage Work and doesn't have a package to upload. 

    An application that only accesses data from iManage Work and doesn't have a package to upload must also be registered on iManage Work before it is available to the users. The information to register such applications is provided by the application developer to the iManage Control Center administrator through an email message or other communication mode.

Add an application package

NOTE: For on-premises iManage Work environments:

  • A WebDB (also known as a web database or a configuration library) must be configured in iManage Work to store the applications.

  • A DOC class must be defined in iManage Work before adding an application. When adding an application, iManage Control Center generates a document profile that uses the DOC class. If no DOC class is defined in iManage Work, the application can't be added. For more information, refer to Classes / Subclasses.

  1. In iManage Control Center, browse to Settings > Applications to view the list of applications currently registered.

  2. Select + Add Application to upload a new application. The Add Application dialog opens.

  3. Select Upload Package, browse to the local directory, and select the package. The Add Application wizard opens.
    The following example shows the Add Application wizard for Python.

    The information on the Configuration page is retrieved automatically from the application package provided by the application developer. If required, you can edit the Name and Description. All ‌other properties are read-only and can't be edited. Configuration details for the Add Application wizard are:

    • Name: The name of the application.

    • Description: Additional information about the application.

    • Client ID: The client ID.

    • Client Secret: The client secret.

    • Publisher: The name of the organization publishing the application.

    • Website: The web address of the publisher.

    • Email: The email address of the publisher.

  4. Select Authentication to open the Authentication page, which contains the information required for authorizing the application.

    Add Application - Authentication.png

    If the application requires the user to authenticate to iManage Work, set iManage Work Authentication Required? to Yes.
    The following information is retrieved automatically from the package provided by the application developer.
    CAUTION: Change the editable properties in Authentication details only if instructed by the application developer or iManage support team.

    Authentication details for the Add Application wizard are:

    • Application Type: 

      • Native: Application installed and accessed on a user’s device.

      • Web: Application running on a web server and accessed through a website.

    • Client Type: 

      • Public: Application NOT capable of protecting its client secret. For example, a desktop or mobile phone application that can't securely store the client secret.

      • Confidential: Application capable of protecting its client secret from users and performing secured authentication on iManage Work Server. For example, a web application that has the client ID and secret stored on its own web server. 

    • Redirect URL: URL to redirect the user to the client application after iManage Work Server successfully authorizes the application. You can add multiple redirect URLs by selecting +. For more information, refer to OAuth 2.0 authentication.

    • Client Secret: Secret key generated during the application registration process to authenticate with iManage Work Server. 
      Select Generate to auto-generate a secret the first time you register the application.

    • Client Secret Expires: Enter a date when the client secret will expire.
      Select Never Expires if you want no expiration date for the secret.
      If the client secret expires during a session, the current session continues. New authentication attempts will fail after the secret has expired. To resolve an expired client secret, either the application developer should provide a new client secret or update its date of expiration.

    • Allow Refresh Token: When set to Yes, allows the application to obtain a new access token when the existing access token expires, without prompting the user for authentication.

      • When Allow Refresh Token = No, if the user has been inactive in the application (for example, Work 10 Web) for the Access Token Expiry duration (default = 30 minutes), the user will be signed out by the system, and forced to sign in again to continue to use the system.

      • When Allow Refresh Token =  Yes, if the user has been inactive for the Access Token Expiry duration, the system automatically issues a refresh token. The user can continue to use the system without re-authenticating even after being inactive for 30 mins.

      Default: No
      NOTE: Individual applications, such as Work Desktop for Windows 10.2.5 and later, may have the capability to cache the refresh tokens locally. In this case, a user isn't prompted to sign in again to iManage Work even if the user closes the application, signs out of Microsoft Windows, or restarts the local device. For more information about this setting in iManage Work Desktop for Windows, refer to Persisting the oAuth2 refresh token.

    • Refresh Token Expiry: Duration in days for which a refresh token remains valid.
      Default: 365 days
      NOTE: To configure this field, you must enable the Allow Refresh Token option.

    • Access Token Expiry: Duration of inactivity allowed in minutes before invalidating an access token of a user.
      Default: 30 minutes

  5.  Select Access to configure access privileges. 

    You can secure an application to selected users in the organization. This is helpful when you have a pilot group who is testing a new functionality or if you have an application that is specifically meant for certain users—for example, an application for tracking patent deadlines that only an IP group uses.

    Add Application - Access.png

  6. Select one of the following application access options:

    • All users: Select this option to provide access to all the available users.

    • Custom: Search and add the specific users and groups to provide the access.

  7. Select Review to review the configurations for the application package.

  8. Select Finish to complete the application upload.

Adding a package manually

NOTE: For on-premises iManage Work environments, you must have a WebDB (also known as a web database or a configuration library) configured on iManage Work to store the applications.

  1. In iManage Control Center, browse to Settings > Applications. The list of applications already added to iManage Work is displayed.

  2. Select +Add Application to add a new application. The Add Application dialog opens.

    Add Application.png

  3. Select Configure Manually to configure the application settings.

    1. Enter the configuration details provided by the application developer. For more information about Configuration page fields, refer to Configuration Details.

  4. Select Authentication and enter the information on this page per the application developer's instructions. For more information about Authentication page fields, refer to table Authentication Details.

    1. If the application requires the user to authenticate to iManage Work, set iManage Work Authentication Required? to Yes.

  5. Select Access to configure access privileges for the users.

    1. In Allow access to, select an application access option

      1. All users: To provide access to all the available users.

      2. Custom: To search for and add specific users and groups.

  6. Select Review to review application configuration settings.

  7. Select Finish to complete application registration.