Supporting Templates Created Outside iCC

  • iManage Work WorkSpace Generator - The templates that are supported by iManage Work Workspace Generator are also supported by iCC. The variable format for the custom fields in these templates are also supported. For example, if Custom1 is defined as %workspace_value% in a template, then the Custom1 value of the target worskpace is assigned to the folder(s) created using this template. For more information, refer iManage Work Workpace Generator User and Installation Guide.

  • iManage Work Web - The templates created using iManage Work Web are supported by iCC with the limitation that only Document folder, Search folder and Tab objects are recognized. All other object types such as Calendar, Note, Link list, and so on are not considered. Therefore, these templates can be used to create Document folder, Search folder, and Tab. iCC also supports %workspace_value%.