Besides adding and removing the actions on the File menu, you can change the name displayed for any action by:

  • Removing the getLabel property on that node in the XML file, and 

  • Adding a label property which is set to the desired text to display for this action.


You can apply this procedure to any action that appears on the ribbon bar.

For instance, to change the name displayed for New Version to "Version It", identify that node in the XML file. The actions that appear on the File menu in Microsoft Office appear in a section of the XML file that begins with:

<backstage onHide="OnBackStageHide" onShow="OnBackStageShow">

In the preceding section, the New Version action is represented by the following node:

<button id="iManage.BSWorkSiteSaveAsVersion" insertBeforeMso="FileSave" getLabel ="GetWControlLabel" image="SaveAs_New_Version" getEnabled ="GetWControlEnabled" getVisible ="GetWControlVisible" isDefinitive="true" onAction="OnWorkSiteAction" keytip="S2"/>

To change the label displayed for this action, remove the getLabel attribute, and add a new attribute called label, which is set to the text you want to display. For example:

<button id="iManage.BSWorkSiteSaveAsVersion" insertBeforeMso="FileSave" label="Version It" image="SaveAs_New_Version" getEnabled ="GetWControlEnabled" getVisible ="GetWControlVisible" isDefinitive="true" onAction="OnWorkSiteAction" keytip="S2"/>


The following is the text to remove or add in the above text:

  • getLabel ="GetWControlLabel"

  • label="Version It"