You can customize the File menu (Backstage view) in Microsoft Office applications to include the additional iManage options that are available on the iManage ribbon, and to rename these options. This is done by editing the same XML files that are available in the Roaming folder (%AppData%\iManage\Work\Configs) for customizing the ribbon bars:

  • imWorkRibbon.15.xml

  • imExcelRibbon.15.xml

  • imPowerPointRibbon.15.xml

  • imProjectRibbon.15.xml

  • imVisioRibbon.15.xml

To test the changes, copy the modified XML files to the %localappdata%/iManage/Work/Configs folder and launch the corresponding Microsoft Office applications.

For configuring the actions on the File menu, locate the section that starts with the following text:

<backstage onHide="OnBackStageHide" onShow="OnBackStageShow">

The buttons listed in the XML file represent the actions that should appear on the File Save menu. The list begins and ends with a separator. The following is the default section for Microsoft Word:

<backstage onHide="OnBackStageHide" onShow="OnBackStageShow">
<button id="iManage.BSSep1" label="___________________" enabled="false" insertBeforeMso="FileSave"/>
<button id="iManage.BSWorkSiteOpen" insertBeforeMso="FileSave" getLabel ="GetWControlLabel" image="openWS32" getEnabled ="GetWControlEnabled" getVisible ="GetWControlVisible" isDefinitive="true" onAction="OnWorkSiteAction" keytip="K"/>
<button id="iManage.BSWorkSiteSave" insertBeforeMso="FileSave" getLabel ="GetWControlLabel" image="WSSaveAs32" getEnabled ="GetWControlEnabled" getVisible ="GetWControlVisible" isDefinitive="true" onAction="OnWorkSiteAction" keytip="B"/>
<button id="iManage.BSWorkSiteSaveAsVersion" insertBeforeMso="FileSave" getLabel ="GetWControlLabel" image="SaveAs_New_Version" getEnabled ="GetWControlEnabled" getVisible ="GetWControlVisible" isDefinitive="true" onAction="OnWorkSiteAction" keytip="S2"/>
<button id="iManage.BSSep2" label="___________________" enabled="false" insertBeforeMso="FileSave" />