You can reconfigure the iManage Work Recent roaming directory (%appdata%\iManage\Work\Recent) to an alternate local directory or a network path (UNC path). For example, C:\MyWorkFiles\Recent or \\teamrepo\users\%<USERNAME>%\Recent\.

Remapping is advised for multi-user environments that use roaming profiles to reduce the amount of data that needs to be copied at Windows login time. After remapping, all newly downloaded or opened files get downloaded or saved to this new location (provided you have read/write access or higher to the new path). If the specified directory does not exist, iManage Work creates it. If you cannot create the directory or do not have write access to it or if you lose access to the mapped UNC path due network disruption, the default Recent directory is used. Any failure information is logged in the %LocalAppData%\iManage\Work\Logs file as a warning. 


  • Close and check in all of your modified files before switching to a new directory. Documents remaining in the default Recent directory are not migrated to the new location.

  • Ensure that system is restarted after the registry setting is changed to prevent files from being left checked out after the directory is changed.

The path for remapping can be set by creating the following registry setting:

  • Location: 
    If the imRecentPath key is not specified under HKEY_CURRENT_USER then settings in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE are applied.

  • Name: imRecentPath

  • Type: REG_SZ/REG_EXPAND_SZ (Expandable String Value)

  • Value: An alternate local directory or a network path (UNC path). For example, C:\MyWorkFiles\Recent or \\teamrepo\users\%<USERNAME>%\Recent\.


If you want to specify the path using variable, then use an expandable string value in the registry.

For example, C:\MyWorkFiles\Recent or \\teamrepo\users\%<USERNAME>%\Recent\.


  • If the Recent folder is remapped to a network directory, you will not be able to access or view any downloaded files in the Recent folder while working in Offline mode.

  • If the remapped recent folder's path contains a domain name, for example, \\<machine name>.<domain name>.com\..., all documents will open in protected mode in Microsoft Office applications since the path will not be considered as trusted.

  • If the Recent folder is remapped to a network path, you may experience a delay when opening, saving, and closing files. If files are opened in iManage Work web client or using the Work Panel in Microsoft Outlook, the time to download a document and open it in the relevant application will take slightly longer than when opening from its roaming directory.

  • Remapping Recent folder to the NRPortbl folder is not supported.