
iManage Work Desktop for Windows offers its customers the Client-side filing options for Microsoft Outlook. Users can file emails to iManage Work folders directly from Microsoft Outlook mailbox. The email filing options are facilitated by the client-side server iwWCS.exe, that is installed on each user's device individually along with iManage Work Desktop for Windows. 

From iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.4.0 onwards, iManage offers the new Mailbox Synchronization feature as one of the Client-side filing options to iManage Cloud customers using the

Automatic synchronization of email status

In the previous versions of iManage Work Desktop for Windows, when you filed an email successfully, the icon Filed_Mail.png appeared on the email only in your mailbox.  

From iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.4.0 onwards, when you file an email to iManage Work, the new Mailbox Synchronization feature automatically marks it as filed, and the icon Filed_Mail.png  appears in the sender and recipients mailboxes who have access to the email in the filing location. This indicates to the sender and all the recipients that the email is already filed to iManage Work. The email in the recipient's mailbox is also stamped with the filing date, document number, and filing location. An email can be filed by the sender or any of its recipients, and it is considered for synchronization. By enabling this feature, filing of an email multiple times by different users is avoided.

Characteristics of Mailbox Synchronization feature

The following are some of the important characteristics of Mailbox Synchronization feature:

Table: Characteristics of Mailbox Synchronization feature



Enabling Mailbox Synchronization

By default, the Mailbox Synchronization feature is disabled. This feature must be enabled using the EnableMailboxSync configuration in the imEMM.config file.

Starting Mailbox Synchronization

  • Once the feature is enabled, the synchronization process runs in the background automatically and you need not perform any action.

  • Microsoft Outlook must be running on your device.

  • The synchronization process starts considering emails for marking when iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.4.0 or later is installed for the first time. Existing emails in your mailbox before installing iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.4.0 or later aren't considered.

Configuring schedule

The mailbox synchronization process runs at the time interval defined by MailboxSyncInterval configuration in the imEmm.config file. The default interval is 900 seconds. That means, the mailbox synchronization process runs after every 15 minutes to check and mark the emails as filed.

The minimum value for the configuration MailboxSyncInterval can be configured as 120 seconds.

Restarting Mailbox Synchronization

If this feature is turned off and later turned on, the synchronization process restarts from the point where it was turned off. 

However, it only synchronizes the emails based on the value defined in RegressNumOfDaysMailboxSync configuration, if the turn-off date falls beyond it.

For example, if the mailbox syncronization was turned off 100 days ago and the RegressNumOfDaysMailboxSync is configured as 90, it considers only the emails received in the last 90 days for synchronization. The default value for this configuration is 90 days.

Supporting distribution list

The mailbox synchronization feature supports distribution list. That is, the filed email status is synchronized even if the recipients are in a distribution list in the email.


The Mailbox Synchronization feature supports only the primary mailbox. It does not support shared and archived mailboxes.

Configuration options

The following options are available in the imEMM.config file to configure the Client-side filing behavior.





Emails should be processed by Inbox Filer and Mailbox Sync only if the maximum number of recipients in the email is less than SyncRecipientsLimit.





Enable Mailbox Synchronization feature to automatically mark an email as filed in the respective mailboxes of the sender and all its recipients who have access to iManage Work filing location, when the sender or any one of the recipients files it to iManage Work. This feature is disabled by default, and user needs to enable it by setting this configuration to TRUE.



TRUE (enabled)

FALSE (disabled) Default


The number of days iwWCS.exe mailbox synchronization regresses to search for emails. The default value is 90 days. Any emails received before 90 days aren't considered for synchronization. The mailbox synchronization process starts marking emails from the time it runs first, and doesn't consider older emails.



90 days (default value)


Time duration in seconds after which Mailbox Sync is invoked;



Minimum value: 120 seconds

Default value; 900 seconds