If using the client-side Send and File feature, refer to Appendix D - Configuring Microsoft Exchange rule for client-side Send and File to prevent bounce-back of emails.

You can use the imEMM.config file to customize the user experience of Email Management provided by iManage Work Desktop for Windows. You can use the following options:

If your iManage Work administrator changes the settings in the application configuration files and the files are downloaded to your device, Microsoft Outlook detects and applies the changes in the background. You can then see the latest configurations without restarting the application.


This feature doesn't apply to ribbon bar customizations or other settings, which are only read once by Microsoft Office during application launch.

Options for the Select Filing Location dialog box

Table: Options for the Selecting Filing Location dialog box





Show or hide the filing options in the Select Filing Location dialog box and the iManage Work toolbar in Microsoft Outlook.

  • 0 (No filing)

  • 1 (Delete is visible by default)

  • 2 (Private is visible by default)

  • 3 (Delete and Private are visible by default)

  • 4 (Print is visible by default)

  • 5 (Delete and Print are visible by default)

  • 6 (Private and Print are visible by default)

  • 7 (All three options are visible by default)

Default value: 7


"DisplayFilingOptions": 7

The same setting will apply to the Email Management (EM) task pane, too.


Specify which filing options should be selected by default in the Select Filing Location dialog box.

NOTE: This option determines the initial settings displayed when users launch Outlook. Once the users select or clear any option manually, the manual selections persist whenever Outlook is relaunched.

  • 0 (None selected)

  • 1 (Delete is selected by default)

  • 2 (Private is selected by default)

  • 3 (Delete and Private are selected by default)

  • 4 (Print is selected by default)

  • 5 (Delete and Print are selected by default)

  • 6 (Private and Print are selected by default)

  • 7 (All three options are selected by default)

Default value: 0


"DefaultFilingOptions": 0

The same setting will apply to the Email Management (EM) task pane too.


Set the value for the maximum number of clients or matters shown in the client and matter autocomplete lookups.

  • Maximum value: 9999

  • Default value: 1000


Shows the multi-selection list control by default.

NOTE: When a user manually selects or unselects the File to Multple locations check box, the value set for the EnableMultiSelection registry setting under the following location takes precedence. The value in the registry setting takes precedence until it is manually reset.  


  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 1


"EnableMultiSelection": 1

If you set the value to 1, the screen appears as follows:

If you set it to 0, the screen appears as follows:



Specify whether Search for Workspaces should be the default option.

  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 1


"SearchforWorkspaces": 1



Show or hide the Send Only button.


"ShowSendOnly": 1

  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 1


Show or hide the Send and File button.


"ShowSendAndFile": 1

  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 1


Prompt you to file emails (using the Select Filing Location dialog box) while sending emails.



  • 1 (show the dialog box)

  • 0 (don't show the dialog box)

Default value: 1


NOTE: If set to zero, automatic searches are not triggered and have to be manually triggered by the user.

Set the interval value (in milliseconds) for automatically searching the workspace in the Select Filing Location/Browse and File dialog box.



Recommended values: 1000 - 5000 milliseconds

Default value: 1000


NOTE: If you are deploying iManage Work Desktop for Windows to a multi-user environment (such as Citrix), you should remap the WorkspaceView registry setting to the users' roaming profile to retain the changes made to their column settings at the following location:


Defines the default columns and the available columns in the Send and File dialog box, Browse and File dialog box, and the filing dialog box in the iManage Work toolbar.

DefaultColumns defines the columns that should appear in the Send and File dialog box, Browse and File dialog box, and the filing dialog box in the iManage Work toolbar by default.

AvailableProperties defines the additional columns that a user can add to their workspace either by right-clicking a existing column or selecting the cog gear.png icon and then selecting More.

NOTE: Define the width for all properties added to DefaultColumns-for example, { "Property": "imProfileName", "Width": 100 }.

Default columns:

  • imProfileName

  • imProfileCustom1

  • imProfileCustom1Description

  • imProfileCustom2

  • imProfileCustom2Description

For the list of additional columns that can be added, refer to Appendix G - List of supported property names for configuring the workspace view v10.6.0_WDW.




{ "Property": "imProfileName", "Width": 100 },
{ "Property": "imProfileCustom1", "Width": 50 },
{ "Property": "imProfileCustom2", "Width": 50 }



Enable the mouse-hover display, which lets you see the following in the Select Filing Location dialog box tree view:

  • Database name

  • Workspace name

  • Folder name

NOTE: This option applies only to the Browse and File and Select Filing Locations dialog boxes and not the iManage Work toolbar in Microsoft Outlook.

  • 1 (show) 

  • 0 (hide)

Default value: 0




Persist your selections when the Select Filing Location dialog box is relaunched.



  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 0 


Specify the maximum number of terms to be displayed in the search history when you search for workspace or folder in the Select Filing Location dialog box.

Recommended values: 5--50

Default value: 10





Enable the Send and File option when sending an attachment from another application.



  • 1 (Enabled)

  • 0 (Disabled)

Default value: 1


Specify the profile field to be used for first search field in the Browse and File dialog box. The valid values are Custom1, Custom3 to Custom12, and Custom29



  • Custom1

  • Custom3 to Custom12

  • Custom29


Specify the profile field to be used for second search field in the Browse and File dialog box. The valid values are Custom1 to Custom12, Custom29, and Custom30. If Custom2 or Custom30 are specified, then the value for BrowseAndFileSearchField1 must be the associated parent field.



  • Custom1 to Custom12

  • Custom29

  • Custom30

Client-side filing options

The iwWCS.exe process is available individually on each user's machine to handle different filing related tasks (similar to the iManage Work Communications Server that communicates with the iManage Work Server to handle server-side filing). The iwWCS.exe starts running as soon as the users' machines are started.


  • iManage Agent Service must be installed on the users' machines to ensure that the iwWCS.exe process starts automatically.

  • The UseClientSideFiling option does NOT use the iwWCS.exe process.

The following options are available in the wcs_config group to enable you to configure ‌Client-side filing behavior. 

Table: Client-side filing options





By default, the Microsoft Outlook client uses Client-side filing even if the server supports Server-side filing when:

  • Using the File option or 

  • Users drag-and-drop emails into the iManage Work panel. 

If this option is disabled, Server-side filing is used if available.



NOTE: UseClientSideFiling does not control the filing behavior of the Send and File action, or the Inbox Filer and Sent Items Filer.

  • 1 (Use Client-side filing)

  • 0 (Use Server-side filing when possible)

Default value: 1


Enable this option if you want to use Client-side filing for the Send and File action.



  • 1 (Enabled)

  • 0 (Disabled)

Default value: 0


When using client-side Send and File (from the Sent Items folder), this option controls whether the BCC information should be retained or not.

The default setting is off, which means that messages filed using client-side Send and File will contain BCC information that may be visible to other recipients/users in the firm. If you do not want BCC information saved in iManage Work along with the message, enable this option by setting it to 1.

NOTE: This setting is used with the client-side Send and File only.



  • 1 (Remove)

  • 0 (Do not remove)

Default value: 0


Enable Inbox Filer so that it can monitor and file all the emails in your Inbox that are sent with a luggage tag in the subject and no iManage Work folder email address in the recipient field, and then files the emails and marks them as filed.

NOTE: Inbox Filer and Send and File are configured separately. If you enable Send and File and disable Inbox Filer, only the Send and File feature works. If you enable Inbox Filer then both Send and File and Inbox filer work. You cannot disable Send and File by enabling Inbox Filer.



  • TRUE (enabled)

  • FALSE (disabled)

Default value: FALSE


Time duration in seconds after which the Inbox Filer process is invoked. The default interval is 120 which means that the Inbox Filer runs after every 2 minutes to check for and file emails.



Default value: 120 (in seconds)


The option allows reprocessing of old messages. 



CAUTION: Enable this option only if advised to do so by iManage Support because it is meant to address certain issue scenarios. 

  • TRUE (enabled)

  • FALSE (disabled)

Default value: FALSE


The number of days Inbox Filer needs to regress to look for emails. The default value is 30 days (1 month).



Default value: 30


Inbox Filer processes emails only if the maximum number of recipients in the email is less than SyncRecipientsLimit. Change the default value as desired to ensure that general emails sent to a large number of people or the entire organization do not get filed.



Default value: 50


Enable this option to ensure that client-side filing is used for mapped folder.



  • TRUE (enabled)

  • FALSE (disabled)

Default value: FALSE


Use this option to ignore certain type of email messages while processing mapped folders. Separate the message classes by semicolon.



Default value: IPM.Note.WorkSite.Ems.Error

(Message class for emails that couldn't be filed to iManage Work and resulted in an error.)


By default, the emails in mapped folders are processed in a batch of 10. Once the first 10 emails are processed, the next 10 are processed, and so on.

NOTE: After the emails are processed, it may take the Inbox Filer a time ranging from 1 to 10 minutes to mark them as filed.



Default value: 10


The number of filing and marking attempts to make before ignoring an email in a mapped folder.



Default value: 15


Time duration in minutes after which the mapped folders process is invoked. The default interval is 360 minutes, which means that the process runs after every 6 hours to check for and file emails.



Default value: 360 (in minutes)


Enable this option to ensure that processing of mapped folders begins as soon as the iwWCS process starts; without waiting for the MappedFolderInterval to elapse.



  • TRUE (enabled)

  • FALSE (disabled)

Default value: FALSE


The time duration in minutes for which Inbox filer waits before processing new emails.



Default value: 15


Determines whether messages are marked as queued before filing when using client-side filing. 

NOTE: Doesn't apply to server-side filing or filing in offline mode.



  • 1 (Do not queue if running in Exchange Online mode)

  • 0: Always

Default value: 0


Enables or disables the feature to set the change the email description when using Send and File option.

NOTE: ClientSideSendAndFile option must also be enabled to enable this feature.



  • 1 (Enabled)

  • 0 (Disabled) 

Default value: 0


When enabled, filing location path on filed messages is prefixed with double slash. Applies to client-side filing only. For consistency with iManage FileSite and Server-side filing, use 1.


"UseFilingLocationPrefix": 0

  • 1 (yes)

  • 0 (no) 

Default value: 0


Process linked (mapped) folders with Client-side filing for mailboxes you have access to (other than your own) when there are iManage Work user accounts for those mailboxes. iManage Work Desktop for Windows with Client-side filing can't process linked folders other users have created for mailboxes which don’t have iManage Work users associated to them.


  • 1 (yes)

  • 0 (no)

Default value: 1

Offline filing options





The records of filed emails that are maintained in the offline filing tables are deleted automatically after 7 days. Modify this value to keep the records for a longer or shorter duration. 



Default value: 7


Since there may be a limit for the amount of data that can be sent using RestAPI, the emails are batched before they are sent to Work Communication Server. By default, 10 emails are sent together for one iManage Work location. If there are multiple locations from different libraries, the emails are processed in a batch based on the libraries.



Default value: 10


If there are errors during filing the process, filing is attempted up to FilingRetryCount times. The count is incremented by 1 for each filing attempt. After reaching the default value, no further attempt is made to file to the emails and they are marked as Error at the last attempt.

Default value: 7


Specify the delay in seconds after which emails previously filed offline are uploaded post a successful server connection.


"OfflineFilingDelayAfterConnect": 15

Default value:15

Additional options

Table: Advanced options





Specify whether Microsoft Outlook should automatically connect to the iManage Work Server when it starts.


"LoginOnStartup": 0

NOTE: The behavior of LoginOnStartup depends on the ShowWorkPaneOnStartup configuration. 

  • If ShowWorkPaneOnStartup is set to 2, then, 

    • When LoginOnStartup is set to 1, then Microsoft Outlook automatically connects to iManage Work Server.

    • When LoginOnStartup is set to 0, then Microsoft Outlook doesn't automatically connect to iManage Work Server. 

  • If ShowWorkPaneOnStartup is set to 1, then Microsoft Outlook connects to iManage Work Server, then Microsoft Outlook is always connected to iManage Work Server irrespective of the value set for LoginOnStartup that is 0 or 1

  • If ShowWorkPaneOnStartup is set to 0, then,

    • When LoginOnStartup is set to 1, then Microsoft Outlook automatically connects to iManage Work Server.

    • When LoginOnStartup is set to 0, then Microsoft Outlook automatically connect to iManage Work Server, if iManage Work Panel was open when the users closed Microsoft Outlook.

    • When LoginOnStartup is set to 0, then Microsoft Outlook doesn't automatically connect to iManage Work Server,  if iManage Work Panel wasn't open when the users closed Microsoft Outlook.

  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 1


Specify whether the filing location should be added to the CC or BCC field of filed emails.



NOTE: This setting is applied to emails filed using the Send and File feature and is available for both client-side and server-side filing. 

  • 2 (CC)

  • 3 (BCC)

Default value: 2


Add this option to display the Send, File, and Approve drop-down option for the Send Only button in the Select Filing Location dialog box.


ShowApproveAsDropDown" : 0

  • 1 (Enabled)

  • 0 (Disabled)

Default value: 0


Remove the luggage tag for emails that are not filed while sending (that is, if the Send Only button is selected).


"RemoveLuggageTagForSendOnly": 1

  • 1 (Remove)

  • 0 (Do not remove)

Default value: 0


Specify whether to include the luggage tag in the subject line.


"IncludeLuggageTag": 1

  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 1


Specify ID of the organization for the luggage tag. Limit it to 3-5 characters; no special characters allowed.



Default value: IMAN


Use it for upgrading the old database to a new one.



Default value: IWOV


Decide the luggage tag location: end of the subject or beginning of the subject.



  • 1 (end of the subject)

  • 0 (beginning of the subject)

Default value: 1


Specify the maximum number of locations to be displayed under Suggested Locations.



Recommendation: 1 - 20

Default value: 5


Specify whether suggested filing locations must be displayed when the email recipients change.


"SuggestFilingLocationWhenRecipientsChange": "TRUE"

  • TRUE (enabled)

  • FALSE (disabled)

Default value: TRUE


Specify the maximum number of locations to display under Recent Locations.


"MaxRecentLocations": 10

Recommendation: 1 - 20

Default value: 10


Specify the maximum number of recipients (email addresses) to be used to calculate suggestions.



Recommendation: 1 - 20

Default value: 4


Disable default filing location suggestions by iManage Work. Set the value to 1 if you see performance issues while opening or selecting an email.



  • 1 (disable default suggestions)

  • 0 (allow suggestions)

Default value: 0


Specify whether encrypted emails should be saved while sending.



  • 1 (do not save)

  • 0 (save)

Default value: 0


Specify whether emails should be permanently deleted if the Delete option is selected while sending emails.



  • 1 (delete permanently)

  • 0 (do not delete permanently)

Default value: 0


Specify whether folder ID (FID), Client.Matter, or both Client.Matter and FID should be added to the luggage tag. 



  • 0 (FID)

  • 1 (Client.Matter)

  • 2 (Client.Matter + FID)

Default value: 0


Hide the workspace and folder names in the email address when the folder is selected for filing.



  • 1 (hide)

  • 0 (show)

Default value: 0


To ensure that all emails are filed as private even when they are filed to public folders, enable this option. When enabled, the following behavior is seen:

  • File As Private option appears selected whenever Outlook is launched.

  • Files emails privately even if users uncheck the private filing option on the iManage Work toolbar or the filing location dialog box. The check box appears selected again after Microsoft Outlook is restarted.

  • Applies to all filed emails (filed using both client-side and server-side filing) and even to emails that filed by dragging them into iManage folders.

  • Overrides the DefaultValueForPrivate option and the settings it contains are ignored.



  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 0


Select or clear the File As Private option by default.



  • 0: The File As Private option is not selected and the user selection is retained temporarily for the current session. 

  • 1: The File As Private option is selected and the user selection is retained temporarily for the current session.

  • 2: The File As Private option is not selected and the user selection is retained for the next Outlook session.

Default value: 0


Determines whether iManage Work saves the email to the drafts folder before initiating a send and flle. 



  • 1 (True)

  • 0 (False)

Default value: 0


File email as Private if mail item Sensitivity is set to PRIVATE.



  • 1 (Yes)

  • 0 (No) 

Default value: 1


Enable or disable the email management features in Outlook. When you disable email management the following changes occur:

  • Quick File and File right-click options for Outlook items are hidden.

  • iManage Work toolbar is hidden everywhere it appears in Outlook folder views and dialog boxes.

  • Link to iManage right-click option is hidden for folders and users are not prompted to link new folders they create.

  • Secure Send option is hidden.

  • File and Filing Details options on the iManage Work ribbon are hidden.

NOTE: The Insert iManage Attachment option continues to be displayed for new email messages and new/existing calendar items even though the iManage Work toolbar is hidden.



  • 1 (Enabled)

  • 0 (Disabled)

Default value: 0


Enable or disable the iManage Work Panel in Microsoft Outlook by showing/hiding the Work Panel ribbon bar button.


"EnableWorkPane": 1

  • 1 (Enabled)

  • 0 (Disabled)

Default value: 1


Configure the iManage Work Panel to open by default when Microsoft Outlook is started.


"ShowWorkPaneOnStartup": 0

  • 1 (always display)

  • 2 (never display)

  • 0 (display if it was visible before previous exit from Outlook)

Default value: 0


Configure if the iManage Work Panel should be initialized on Microsoft Outlook startup. Initialization can delay Outlook startup by a few seconds.

If this is not enabled, users may experience a delay instead when the iManage Work Panel is displayed.


"InitializeWorkPaneOnStartup": 0

  • 1 (Always initialize on startup)

  • 0 (Do not initialize unless iManage Work panel is being shown on startup)

Default value: 0


Number of seconds it takes for the iManage Work panel to appear after Microsoft Outlook startup.

Minimum: 1 second

Default value: 10 (seconds)


Configure the languages available for searching in the Browse and File and Select Filing Location dialog box.

As chosen, remove languages from the default value or change the order in which they appear. You can't include any additional languages.





Specify the maximum number of attachments that should be saved when multiple emails are selected and Save Attachments is selected.



Recommendation: 1 - 100

Default value: 50


Specify the maximum number of emails that should be considered when multiple emails are selected and Save Attachments is selected.

NOTE: The number of attachments saved is dependent on the MaxAttachmentsToSave option.



If you set MaxEmailsForSaveAttachments to 10 and MaxAttachmentsToSave to 50 and then select seven emails to be saved, and each of them contains 10 attachments, all of the emails would be saved, but only the first 50 attachments would be saved.

Recommendation: 1 - 256

Default value: 50


Specify the location of the legacy suggestion database. This feature is useful after you upgrade, because the old suggestions can be made available in the new environment too.



Not applicable


Specify the suffix for Inbox folders that are linked to iManage Work folders.


"FolderSuffix" : " [Work]"

Default value: [Work]


During the Outlook startup process, the icons in the Outlook tree are painted to indicate folders linked to iManage Work. If a mailbox contains a large number of linked folders, the startup process might be slower. iManage has introduced two keys to control the painting behavior for a set time duration.


"paint_cycle_count": 3

  • 0 (will not run the Timer Paint function to paint linked folder icons)

  • 3 (Runs the Timer Paint function thrice to set the icon for linked folders for 5 seconds which is the default paint interval. The maximum time that this function spends is 15 seconds.)

  • Default and recommended value: 3


Configure this value to set the time in each paint cycle. After the duration is complete, no more icons are painted to avoid additional delay in startup.


"paint_interval": 3

Default value: 5 (time in seconds)


Prompt users to link to an iManage Work folder when they create a folder in Outlook.


"ShowPromptOnFolderCreate": 1

  • 1 (prompt)

  • 0 (do not prompt)

Default value: 1


Control the behavior of the File message as Private option available in the Link Folder to iManage dialog box.


"FileMessageAsPrivate": 0

  • 0 (visible, but not selected)

  • 1 (visible and selected. If the folder was previously linked, then the value from the folder is used)

  • 2 (grayed out and not selected)

  • 3 (grayed out and selected by default. The user cannot change this value. For previously linked folder, the value is based on whether the folder was linked as private or not)

Default value: 0


Enable or disable the Secure Send feature, which enables you to:

  • Upload files to iManage Share if the attachment size exceeds the threshold.

  • Control access to the attachment by specifying the duration for which the attachment link is active, and whether recipients can give access to additional users.

For more information about the Secure Send feature, refer to iManage Work Desktop for Windows online help.



  • 1 (Enable)

  • 0 (Disable)

Default value: 01


Specify the attachment size limit (in bytes) for the Secure Send feature. If attachment exceeds this limit, it is uploaded to iManage Share.



NOTE: The maximum value is 2147483647. Setting a higher value causes an error and won't parse the file correctly.

Recommendation: 1 - 20 MB

Default value/Maximum value: 2147483647 (in bytes)


Specify the number of characters to enter, after which a search is triggered.


"MinimumCharsWorkspaceSearch": 3

Default value: 3

Minimum value: 1


Specify if attaching an NRL link in an email should add an HTML link in the email body.


"InsertLinkAsAttachmentOnly": 0

  • 0 (insert both NRL and HTML link) 

  • 1 (insert NRL only)

Default value: 0


Specify if copying folders from Outlook to an iManage Work workspace or a folder is enabled or disabled.


"EnableCopyFolder": 1

  • 0 (disabled)

  • 1 (enabled) 

Default value: 1


Specify if moving folders from Outlook to an iManage Work workspace or a folder is enabled or disabled.


"EnableMoveFolder": 1

  • 0 (disabled)

  • 1 (enabled) 

Default value: 1


Specify the default behavior when users drag emails to iManage folders in the Work Panel. When enabled, the emails are moved to the iManage folder and the Delete Items folder in Microsoft Outlook.


"DefaultDragAndDropIsMove": 0

NOTE: From 10.6.0 onwards, DeletePrint and Private options available in the EMM toolbar when selected is applied when users drags emails to iManage Work Panel for filing or use Quick File for filing. As a result of this change, this configuration setting is deprecated and is applicable only if the EMM toolbar is hidden. This doesn't apply to Mapped folders. 

  • 0 (copy) 

  • 1 (move)

Default value: 0


Specify if users can search across all databases in the Browse and File and Select Filing Location dialog boxes. 


"AllowSearchAllDatabasesInBrowseDlg": 1

  • 0 (disabled)

  • 1 (enabled) 

Default value: 1


Specify if the File To check box in a new email window must get selected automatically when a suggested filing location is available.


"AutoSelectFileTo": 0

  • 1 (select)

  • 0 (do not select)  

Default value: 0


Use this option to set the default filing action in Send and File dialog box.



  • 6000 (Cancel)

  • 6001 (Send Only) 

  • 6002 (Send and File)

  • 6003 (Delete After Sending)

  • 6004 (Send and File As Private)

  • 6005 (Send and File with Print)

Default value: 6001


Use this option to disable the warning message stating that there are recipients in the Bcc field.



  • 1 (Do not show the warning message)

  • 0 (Show the warning message) 

Default value: 0


Specify the old suffix value for Microsoft Outlook folders that are linked to iManage Work folders. This is for use if you have changed from one folder suffix to another, so that folders with the old suffix are still recognized as linked folders.



Default value: [WorkSite]


Use this option to configure the frequency with which you check for messages that were filed offline, and then if found, attempts to file them. The unit is in seconds (600 = 10 minutes).



Default value: 600 seconds


Use this option to allow database names to be masked in the luggage tag in email subject.

The mapping can be specified in key:value pairs. Multiple maps can be separated by commas—for example, {"DB1":"DB1Alias","DB2":"DB2Alias"}.


"DatabaseMappings": {}


Specify the time in seconds to wait/sleep before calculating the suggestion when opening an email.


"WaitTimeForSuggestion": 1

NOTE: This is a tuning setting that shouldn't be changed without consulting the iManage Customer Support.

Default value: 1 second


Specify the comma delimited list of Microsoft Outlook message classes that are allowed to change when filing messages to iManage Work Desktop for Windows.

If a message class is not in this list, then the message class in the copy of the message in Microsoft Exchange is not changed when filing the message to iManage Work Desktop for Windows. IPM.Note is supported by default.


"SupportedMessageClassesForFiling": ""

Default: IPM.Note


Specify if the Map Subfolders option in the Link folder to iManage dialog box should be enabled or disabled.


"EnableMapSubfolders": 1

  • 1 (enabled) 

  • 0 (disabled)

Default value: 1


Specifies the time in seconds to wait before updating the suggestion in the message window after filing the message.


"SuggestionDelayAfterFiling": 1

Default: 1


Enables Send and File functionality when sending an attachment from another application.



  • 1 (enabled) 

  • 0 (disabled)

Default value: 1


Enables Notify Marked Folder functionality.


"NotifyDirtyFolder": 1

  • 1 (enabled) 

  • 0 (disabled)

Default value: 1


Describes the maximum number of folders to monitor for Marked Folders Notification.


"DirtyFoldersCountForNotification": 100

Default: 100


Enables filing emails that are older than the Microsoft Outlook cache.




  • TRUE

Default: TRUE


Defines the time intervals between retries of email filing operation.


"RetryIntervals": "30m,2h,1d"

NOTE: Valid units are m (minute), h (hours), d (day) and w (week). Values are comma-delimited. Each comma-delimited element of the configuration can have only one unit. For example, 1h 30m is not a valid value to designate 1 hour and 30 minutes. Use 90m instead, in that case.

Default: "30m,2h,1d"

Representing 30 minutes for the first retry, 2 hours after the first retry for the 2nd retry and 1 day later for the 3rd retry


When this option is enabled, the luggage tag is appended to the custom description specified by the user on send and file. 

NOTE: The option EnableChangeDescription must be enabled for this setting to be applied. 


"AddLuggageTagToCustomDescription": 0

  • 1 (enabled)

  • 0 (disabled) 

Default: 0


Controls whether content in iManage Work Panel is preloaded in the background upon starting Microsoft Outlook. 


"PreloadWorkPane": 1

  • 1 (enabled) 

  • 0 (disabled)

Default: 1


Show or hide the first progress dialog during email filing.


"ShowFilingProgressDialog": 0

  • 1 (show)

  • 0 (hide) 

Default: 0


When this configuration setting is set to 1, the File Now option is enabled in the right-click context menu on a mapped folder. Users can use File Now to sync the linked folder, on demand. This is helpful especially when users have moved emails to a mapped folders and the user wants to ensure the emails are filed promptly."


"EnableMappedFolderFileNow": 1

When this option is enabled, you can access the File Now in the Link to iManage submenu in Microsoft Outlook by doing the following: 

Right-click a folder, select Link to iManage, and then select File Now

  • 1 (show)

  • 0 (hide) 

Default: 0


When this configuration setting is set to 1, the Retry Filing option is enabled in the right-click menu for all the emails in a mapped folder that are marked with an error icon indicating that the filing failed. Users can use this option to retry filing on those messages. 



  • 1 (show)

  • 0 (hide) 

Default: 0


In some rare cases, Microsoft Outlook does not load the EMM toolbar in a new email window. When this configuration setting is set to 1, it ensures that iManage EM toolbar is available in all new email windows. 

NOTE: Enabling this configuration setting can cause performance issues. Hence, we do not recommend that you enable this option, by default. Enable this configuration setting only if Microsoft Outlook does not load EMM toolbar in a new email window.


"CheckInspectorEMMToolbar": 0

  • 1 (yes)

  • 0 (no) 

Default: 0


Specifies the number of emails that can be renamed in a single batch when the option is selected and multiple emails are selected for filing. 

The default value is 50 and the maximum supported value is 100. If a number higher than 100 is specified, the Rename dialog box displays a message stating that only the first 100 emails of the selected emails will be filed and all the additional emails will not be filed. 


"RenameEmailsMaximum": 50

Default value: 50


Shows or hides the option in the EMM toolbar and Select Filing Location dialog box. The default value is 0. 


"DisplayRenameOnFiling": 0

  • 0 (Hide) 

  • 1 (Show)

  • 2 (Show and select on startup)

Default: 0


Alerts if the location folder is unavailable (using the File to check box) while sending emails values. The default value is 0. 


"ValidateFilingLocationFolder": 1

  • 0 (doesn't check if the folder isn't valid) 

  • 1 (check if the selected folder is valid)

Default: 0


Determines how comments are set when saving an attachment as a new version.


"EmailAttachmentCopyPreviousComment: 1"

Default value: 1


The UseFolderAddresses setting configures whether folder addresses are used when performing Send and File. The default value of this configuration is 1 (true). When this value of this setting is 0 (false), Send and File actions don't use folder addresses.

When UseFolderAddressesis set to 0, the Send and File action doesn’t use folder addresses. Hence, subsequent replies can’t be filed automatically when multiple filing locations are selected. To make sure all subsequent replies are filed automatically, set the EnableMultiselectSendAndFile configuration setting to 0.



  • 1 (true) 

  • 0 (false)

Default: 1


The EnableMultiselectSendAndFile configuration setting disables the selection of multiple filing locations when performing a Send and File action to maximize automatic filing of emails responses. The default value of this configuration is 1 (true).


"EnableMultiselectSendAndFile": 1

  • 1 (true) 

  • 0 (false)

Default: 1


Ignore EE messages that have Explorer:Filed=true property, while processing mapped folders.



  • FALSE 

  • TRUE

Default: FALSE


Lets you turn on or turn off the smart attachment feature for Microsoft Office documents when custom XML with cloud information is embedded into the document attached to email. 

"EnableSmartAttachment": 1

  • 1 (enabled) 

  • 0 (disabled)

Default: 1


Specifies whether subfolders in the Browse and File dialog should be sorted by name. 

"SortSubfolders": 1

  • 1 (Sorted ascending) 

  • 0 (not sorted)

Default: 1


When EnableClientMatterTagFormat is set to 1 (Client.Matter) or 2 (Client.Matter + FID), the ConfigKeyFormat setting can be used to specify which custom attribute fields should appear in the luggage tag.

The default value is '25.26' which represents the fields custom 1 and custom 2. Valid values for this field must contain two numbers separated by a period. Valid values are: 

  • Custom 3 to Custom 12 fields have the numbers 27 to 36 respectively,

  • Custom 29 field is 53

  • Custom 30 field is 54.

The field specified first (for example, custom 1 in the configuration "25.26" cannot contain periods in the actual metadata values in the workspaces to support proper parsing. 


"ConfigKeyFormat": ""

For more information on numeric values for supported custom fields, see Custom Attribute IDs .

Default value: "25.26"

Represents custom 1 and custom 2


Enables or disables the usage of the FilingDocumentID property when obtaining the list of filing locations.


"UseFilingDocumentIDToGetFilingLocations": 0

  • 1 (enabled)

  • 0 (disabled)

Default: 0


Sets the Email Management toolbar display delay in milliseconds.


"EmmToolbarDisplayDelay": 0

0 (default)

Deprecated option(s)

  • The LimitClientMatterInSearchResults configuration option is deprecated and the MaxClientMatterSearchResults option is introduced instead.

  • The ShowClientMatter and ShowClientMatterDescription options are deprecated and the WorkspaceView option is introduced instead.

  • The ExcludedMessageClassesForFiling option is deprecated and SupportedMessageClassesForFiling is introduced instead.

  • The WebLocale option is deprecated. The UI language for the iManage Work Panel can now be set using iwLocale option. For more information, refer to imWorkOptions.xml section.

  • The PrintSentItems option is deprecated.  

  • The SetChromiumDir option is deprecated. 

  • The EnableChangeDescription configuration option is deprecated and the EnableOldChangeDescription option is introduced instead. 

  • The EnableLastFilingAction configuration option is deprecated.