Previously, iManage Work Desktop for Windows displayed in the same locale as Microsoft Windows. However, with the new iwLocale option, your administrator can change the locale for all the iManage Work Desktop for Windows components—for example, iManage ribbon, dialog boxes, and iManage Work Panel, in Microsoft Office and Microsoft Outlook without having to change the Microsoft Windows display language. 

Your administrator can set any language that iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.3.0 or later supports. You also have an option to override the language set by your administrator and set the application to display any other language supported. If no value is specified, the application is displayed in the same language as Microsoft Windows or in English if Microsoft Windows is configured to a language not supported by iManage Work Desktop for Windows. 

For more information, refer to the iwLocale option in the imWorkOptions.xml section in iManage Work Desktop for Windows Customization Guide


  • Previously, Adobe Acrobat Reader and Acrobat DC supported localization based on the language configured in Microsoft Windows.  Now, the preferred language for these integrations can also be specified using the iwLocale configuration available in imWorkOptions.xml file.

  • The supported languages are English (en-US and en-GB), Spanish (es-ES), German(de-DE), Portuguese-Brazil (pt-PT), French-France (fr-FR), Canadian-French (FR-CA), Simplified Chinese (zh-CN), and Japanese (ja-JP).