Configuring user settings
In addition to the settings available by default when iManage Drive is installed in user mode, you can customize the following:
Customize the options available on the Account Setup page that is used for adding iManage Work accounts.
Customize the default value for the General, Notifications, and Sync tabs available under Access iManage Drive settings
> Preferences.
Customizing the default configuration settings in iManage Drive.
To change the application mode (user mode by default) and customize the account setup options, create the admin_settings.yaml file and place it in the /Library/Application Support/iManage/Drive folder. The file contains the following sections:
additional_ignore_file_patterns: Specify the list of additional file patterns that should not be synced to iManage Work Server. There is no default value for this option.
additional_ignore_folder_patterns: Specify the list of additional folder patterns that should not be synced to iManage Work Server. There is no default value for this option.
allow_bulk_email_download: By default, emails are not downloaded when users download an entire container in their mapped folder using the Download (always keep on this device) right-click option. Set this option to true to include emails as part of container download. The default value is false.
checkin_mode_new_version: Determines the file check-in behavior when you modify a file in the mapped folder on your Mac, save the changes, and close the file. Changes synced back can be saved as a new version in iManage Work or the existing version can be replaced with the local copy. The default value is true and all changes to a file are saved as a new version in iManage Work. It is recommended to set this value to false to reduce the number of file versions.
days_to_allow_document_changelog_copy: When a document is added or modified in the locally in the mapped directory, a reference to the document is added to the document change log. Specify the number of days to allow documents to be copied from Document Change Log. Set this value to 0 to disable the feature to copy documents from the change log. Default value is 1.
days_to_keep_document_changelog_entries: Specify the number of days the documents changed locally will be available in Document Change Log. Default value is 30.
delete_documents: Specify the default setting of whether or not to allow document deletion. The default value is true and the Allow Document Deletion option is selected. Navigate to Access iManage Drive settings
> Preferences > General > Enable/Disable Document Deletion to change the setting.
delete_folders: Specify the default setting of whether or not to allow folder deletion. The default value is false and the Allow folder deletion option is not selected. Navigate to General > Enable/Disable folder deletion to change the setting.
enable_container_download: The Download (always keep on this device) right-click option is available for all containers in the mapped folder by default. Set the value to false to hide this option if you do not want the container download feature to be available to users.
enable_recent_my_workspaces_folder: Set this option to true to enable the My Matters and Recent Matters folders in the mapped drive. The default value is false.
enable_sync_progress_dialog: Set this option to false if you do not want the iManage Drive panel to pop up when syncing or unlinking a workspace, regardless of the Preferences > Notifications settings. The default value is true.
extra_hosts: URL of the iManage Work account(s) that you want to list for the Choose iManage Work URL field in the iManage Drive quick setup wizard and in the iManage Drive Accounts dialog box.
ignore_emails: Enable this option to ensure that no emails are synced to iManage Drive. The default value is false. Emails already synced will not be removed unless you restart iManage Drive and the re-sync the matter. Similarly, enabling this option will not sync emails unless you restart iManage Drive and re-sync the matter.
language_options: In iManage Drive user interface navigate to
> Preferences > General > Language list and specify the supported languages that are available to the users for selection.
local_rest_service_port: Specify the port for the iManage Drive local rest API service. The default value is 8010. Set it to 0 to disable the local rest API service.
max_items_to_show_in_recent_workspaces: Set the maximum number of items to show in the Recent Matters folder in the mapped drive. The default value is 100.
max_items_to_show_in_my_workspaces: Set the maximum number of items to show in the My Matters folder in the mapped drive. The default value is 100.
maximum_matters_limit: Enables you to change the maximum number of workspaces or matters that can be synced. The recommended maximum and default is 50.
min_free_space_for_download_mb: Enables you to set the minimum amount of free hard disk space that iManage Drive requires before it pauses download activities. The default value is 2048 (MB) . If the space configured here is not available, all downloads pause and the application displays a message to free up disk space before the downloads can resume automatically.
notify_on_files_changed: Specify if notifications are shown in iManage Drive whenever users modify files. The default value is true, that is, the Notifications > Documents changed option is selected.
prompt_for_sync_confirmation_reminder: This option controls the time (in minutes) to prompt users for items that they have not yet confirmed for syncing to iManage Work, that is, the interval at which the sync confirmation dialog box keeps reappearing until all changes are either confirmed or restored. The default value is 5.
prompt_for_sync_issues_reminder: This option controls the time (in minutes) to prompt users for file sync issues they have not acted upon, that is, the interval at which the sync issues dialog box keeps reappearing until all sync issues are either resolved or taken no action on. The default value is 60.
proxy_server_mode: Enables you to set the mode for proxy server. The following values can be set for this option:
0: no proxy
1: auto-detect system proxy (default value)
2: use manual proxy set by user or by administrator.
proxy_server_url: Specify the proxy URL that iManage Drive must use when making web/API requests. proxy_type can be http, socks4, or socks5. Possible values/formats:
proxy_server_url: <proxy_type>://<server_address>:<server_port>
proxy_server_url: <proxy_type>://<username>@<server_address>:<server_port>
proxy_server_url: <proxy_type>://<username>: <password>@<server_address>:<server_port>
refresh_recent_my_matters_frequency_in_seconds : The Recent Matters and My Matters folders will refresh at the interval specified (in seconds). For example, to refresh the content every 10 minutes, set the value to 600. This feature is disabled by default.
sparkle_update_url: Specify the internal auto update URL to get iManage Drive Mac auto updates from an internal site.
sync_frequency: Specify the default value of the automated sync frequency in minutes (displayed for the Sync > Document Sync Settings > Sync Frequency option). The default value is 30. Set it to 0 to disable automated syncing. Once the user changes the sync frequency using the application UI, the value set here is ignored.
sync_tool_allow_backup_outside_drive: Set this option to true to allow users to use the sync tool to backup data from workspaces outside of iManage Drive. Default value is false.
trigger_confirmation_change_count: This option determines the number of files/folders that can be deleted, modified, renamed, moved, or created in the iManage Drive local directory before a sync confirmation is requested, that is, the sync confirmation dialog box is displayed to users. The default value is 10.
trigger_confirmation_delete_count: This option determines the number of files that can be deleted in the iManage Drive local directory before a sync confirmation is requested, that is, the sync confirmation dialog box is displayed to users. Once this count is reached, no changes will be synced to the server until the user approves them. The value for this option must always be less than or equal to trigger_confirmation_change_count. Confirming a file delete removes all its versions from iManage Work. The default value is 10.
user_role: Mode in which iManage Drive is installed. The default value is user.
search_show_max_results: Use this option to set the maximum number of results iManage Drive can display when performing the search option. The default value is 30 and maximum value is 500.
The following is a sample configuration file:
- folder_1
- folder_2
- https:
//<iManage Work Server domain name>
- https:
//<iManage Work Server domain name>
- en
- fr
- es
- de
- pt
- ja
- zh
proxy_server_url: <proxy_type>:
sparkle_update_url: https:
//<Update server URL>
user_role: user