Details such as the date and time an update was made, what was changed, and the name of the user who made the change are available in the Timeline.
To view this history of updates performed on a task, select More options
> Timeline for the task. Alternatively, right-click the task and select Timeline from the context menu.In the iManage Tracker panel in Microsoft Outlook, select a task and then select
> Timeline in the pane that opens.Each update is listed in a separate row in descending order. The latest update is shown first under the Today, Last 7 days, and Older headers, if applicable.
For updates related to the files or folders attached to tasks, the file or folder name appears as a hyperlink in the Timeline. Select the hyperlink to preview the file in iManage Work.
Use the View details and Hide details option to view the latest note text within the Timeline dialog box itself.
To close the Timeline for a task, select Close or click outside the dialog box.