Dragging folders, files, emails, and attachments into iManage Work

File your content to iManage Work by dragging one or more files, folders, emails, and attachments, or a combination of these from the Finder, any location on your Mac, and Outlook:

  • Single or multiple files, folders, and emails or a combination of these from Finder or any location on your Mac

  • Single email from Microsoft Outlook (old view)

  • Single or multiple emails from Microsoft Outlook (new view)

  • Single or multiple email attachments from Microsoft Outlook (old and new view)


  • Dragging of single/multiple emails or attachments from Apple Mail is not supported.

  • The dragging content into iManage Work feature mentioned in the following procedure is also available in the iManage Work view in the panel in Microsoft Outlook. Select Open iManage Work in the iManage Work panel to access the view. The old view in Outlook has some bugs that may cause the panel to crash. In such scenarios, switch to New Outlook. For more information, refer to NT-119966 in the Known Issues section in iManage Work for Mac Release Notes.

  1. Select the iManage Agent images/download/thumbnails/129631694/Menulet.png menulet on the Mac menu bar and select Open iManage Work .

  2. Navigate to the required matter, folder, or tab in iManage Work and drop the content from the Finder, any location on your Mac, or Microsoft Outlook.
    The iManage upload dialog box appears displaying the list of items and their upload status. A images/download/thumbnails/129631694/Uploaded_Checkmark.png is displayed for each item when uploaded.

iManage Work Server 10.3.3 onwards, emails dragged into iManage Work retain their metadata information. This is applicable when iManage Work Desktop for Mac launches iManage Work using:

  • Google Chrome browser that opens when the Enable Chrome Browser Authentication option is set to true. For more information, refer to the Configuring application settings section in iManage Work Desktop for Mac Installation Guide.

  • Safari browser that opens by default if Chrome browser is not enabled.