Applies to: iManage FileSite and iManage DeskSite


iManage Work Desktop for Windows includes the Co-Authoring feature by default and you need to install the iManage Work Co-Authoring add-on only for iManage DeskSite or iManage FileSite.


  • OneDrive for Business (on-premises deployments supported)
  • An active Office 365 account (Not mandatory. See the following note for further clarification)
  • Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016 
  • User email addresses must be synchronized across iManage Work and Microsoft OneDrive for Business
  • iManage DeskSite or iManage FileSite 9.3.2 or later


If you are using a Microsoft Office version older than Microsoft Office 2016, or if you do not have a Microsoft Office 365 account, you can still coauthor the document with other users but it is not real-time collaboration. You must save the document to view other users’ changes or to share your changes. For more information, visit to the following link:

On-Premises Setup of OneDrive for Business

Microsoft OneDrive for Business is the backend service that hosts the co-authoring session.  We support both OneDrive on-premises and OneDrive in Microsoft's cloud.

Microsoft also has a OneDrive client application that is installed in Microsoft Windows 10, by default. This is intended to facilitate use of Microsoft OneDrive if the organization allows the use of the same. It is not required for iManage Co-authoring and can be safely removed by an administrator. 

  • Setup OneDrive for Business in a SharePoint 2013 or 2016 on-premises environment. For more information, visit the following link:
    • Auto-provision My Site for each user who needs to co-author documents.
    • Enable versioning in DocumentLibrary for each user’s My Site. Ensure that you enable both Minor and Major versions.


      For more information, refer to the sample scripts attached to this document for auto-provisioning My Site and enabling versioning.

  • Configure Search Service Application:
    • Ensure that the NoCrawl flag is NOT set for your MySites.

    • Make the SharedWithInternal property searchable.

  • Configure Office Web Apps 2013 along with SharePoint 2013 or 2016 to support co-authoring in Excel and PowerPoint.


    The Office Web Apps 2013 configuration is specific only to SharePoint 2013 or 2016 on-premises environment.

  • Create the OneDriveOnPremHost registry key.

    Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Interwoven\WorkSite\8.0\Common\Options

    or for iManage Work 32-bit installation on 64-bit operating systems:


    Name: OneDriveOnPremHost
    Type: REG_SZ
    Value: <On-premises location> 
    Example: http://sp2013:1080/

All co-authoring activity is managed by SharePoint technology. Office 365 sites use OneDrive for Business, which leverages SharePoint technology to support co-authoring. On-premises deployments use SharePoint directly. For more information, visit the following web pages:

Remove OneDrive Sync client

If a OneDrive sync client is available on the users' machines, they see OneDrive as a storage location. To prevent the use of OneDrive for sharing documents, it has to be removed manually. This prevents OneDrive from appearing again elsewhere, such as, in the Word app on iOS as a storage location. 

For more information about removing OneDrive, visit the following web page:


In both on-premise and online OneDrive, administrators can monitor the MySite sites for content. Co-authored documents are saved to MySite\Documents\imPortable\<Database>\<User>\DocName_DocNum. Documents in any other location are not part of co-authoring.

Alternately, you can block access to OneDrive from Office 365. For more information, visit the following web page:


  1. Close all Office apps, iManage apps, and Adobe apps.
  2. Uninstall any previous versions.
  3. For iManage DeskSite and iManage FileSite 9.3.6 Update 8 and prior versions, do the following: 
    Run iManage Work Coauthoring.msi.

    32-bit: iManage Work Coauthoring (x86).msi
    64-bit: iManage Work Coauthoring (x64).msi.

    Run the installer and select the Complete option. Open Microsoft Office applications. The Co-Authoring group appears on the iManage tab. 

    iManage DeskSite and iManage FileSIte 9.3.6 Update 9 or later, bundles the Co-Authoring add-on with the latest builds of iManage DeskSite and iManage FileSite. This add-on is disabled by default and can be enabled by navigating to the Co-authoring folder using PowerShell and running the following command as an administrator: 


    64-bit DeskSite/FileSite 

    cd C:\Program Files\Interwoven\WorkSite\Coauthoring

    32-bit DeskSite/FileSite

    cd C:\Program Files(x86)\Interwoven\WorkSite\Coauthoring

    iManage DeskSite:

    powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file “c:\Program Files\Interwoven\WorkSite\Coauthoring\Classic_DS_coauth.ps1”

    iManage FileSite: 

    powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file “c:\Program Files\Interwoven\WorkSite\Coauthoring\Classic_FS_coauth.ps1”

    Once the command is executed, Co-Authoring is automatically enabled in iManage DeskSite or iManage FileSite. 


    The installer will overwrite the email templates in the default installation directory located at <iManage Work install directory>\Coauthoring. Template customizations need to be stored in a user directory. For more information, see Customizing email templates for Co-authoring.