For documents belonging to a specific document type, the list of questions you may ask would ideally be similar. For example, you may want to extract similar data from all employment contracts. So, you'll ask the same set of questions for all employment contracts. To save your time and duplicacy of effort, it becomes viable for you to create a question list that applies to all documents of employment contract type.
Question lists and questions within them are global in nature for your instance of, and upon creation, are available to all users. Similarly, if you delete a question list or a question from a question list, the change is applied to all users who are part of your instance.
You can perform the tasks described in this section from the Ask iManage side panel on the results page or the Ask iManage page.
For instructions to go to the Ask iManage side panel or the Ask iManage page, refer to Accessing Ask iManage in iManage Work at
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