Command line tools to troubleshooting issues

You can use the following command line tools to troubleshoot issues.

Backup outbox

Run the following command in the command prompt to backup any documents in the outbox that have not been synced.

C:\Program Files\iManage\iManageDrive\program\install\iManageDriveConsole backup_outbox [backupdirpath].

For example, C:\Program Files\iManage\iManageDrive\program\install\iManageDriveConsole backup_outbox c:\drive_backup

Where, c:\drive_backup directory already exists.

Generate diagnostic snapshot

Use the diagnostic_snapshot tool to generate a diagnostic snapshot. This is useful if your users are not able to use the iManage Drive UI to generate the diagnostic snapshot.

For example, C:\Program Files\iManage\iManageDrive\program\install\iManageDriveConsole\diagnostic_snapshot

When you run the diangostic_snapshot tool, a dialog box displays where you can type in the details.

Outbox list

Use the outbox_list tool to list all the files that are in the outbox that have not been synced.

For example, C:\Program Files\iManage\iManageDrive\program\install\iManageDriveConsole outbox_list

When you run the outbox_list tool, the list of files not synced are printed to the console.