Troubleshooting Tips for the iManage Work Agent & iManage Auto Updates

How can I view iManage Work Agent logs?

To capture errors, iManage Work Agent generates log files that are located in the %localappdata%\iManage\Work\Logs folder along with the other iManage Work Desktop for Windows log files. These files are named in the following format:

iwAgent.10.2.0.<build number><date>.log

To view detailed debugging information in these iManage Work Agent log files, open the logconfig.xml file in the iManage Work Desktop for Windows installation directory and set the logging level to "DEBUG".


The iManage UpdateManagerService reads the copy of LogConfig.xml located in %ProgramData%\iManage\AgentServices\configs . To configure the log level for iManage UpdateManagerService and iManageStayExec, copy the edited version of the LogConfig.xml file to the following location: %ProgramData%\iManage\AgentServices\configs .

How do I kill the iManageStayExec process tree?

You can use the Task Manager to end the iManageStayExec process and all the monitored processes started by it, for example, iwAgent, iwAgentBackground, iwwcs, and so on. You need to kill the iManageStayExec process during uninstallation, so that it does not restart the monitored processes. The detailed list of monitored processes can be found in C:\ProgramData\iManage\AgentServices\configs\ProcessRegistry.

To end the process tree using the Task Manager:

  1. Right-click the Windows taskbar and then click Task Manager.

  2. Select the Details tab.

  3. Locate iManageStayExec.exe in the list of processes, right-click it and then click End process tree.


Ending the iManageStayExec process tree will not terminate any process not on its monitored list, for example, iwsingleton.exe, outlook, and so on.

How do I modify the Auto Updates server path?

The updates.ini file contains the path to the Auto Updates server and the IT-defined update channels and properties. If the path to the Auto Update server is not set as expected during the installation of iManage installer, you can use this file to modify the path:

server=<Auto Updates server path>

After making the desired changes, click Check for Updates in the iManage Work Agent. After the operation is complete, the expected update channels are displayed in the Agent.