Introduction: iManage Tracker
Understanding the user interface
Accessing iManage Tracker
Checklists in iManage Work
Accessing the iManage Tracker panel in Microsoft Outlook
Using keyboard shortcuts
Accessing the help
Bulk actions
Use cases for administrators/main stakeholders
Creating a checklist
Copying tasks from existing checklists
Best practices for copying existing checklists
Importing tasks from an existing tracker
Importing tasks from a Tracker JSON file
Updating the tracker owner
Managing tasks
Adding tasks and subtasks
Assigning tasks
Setting due date
Adding a file or folder from iManage Work
Adding notes
Viewing the task timeline
Changing the task order and hierarchy
Deleting tasks
Customizing the checklist
Adding custom fields
Customizing the Status field
Changing the fields displayed
Dragging columns to the required place
Showing/hiding fields using right-click menu
Selecting users, groups, and trackers to get updates on
Sharing tasks and checklists with stakeholders
Emailing tasks to users
Exporting the checklist as Word, CSV, or JSON file
Sharing task and checklist links
Accessing the matter view
Use cases for general users
Viewing your tasks
Sorting tasks
Searching for tasks
Changing the checklist view
Expanding and collapsing tasks
Viewing the daily email report of your and others' tasks
Updating task details
Updating the status of tasks and subtasks
Creating tasks from emails
Refreshing the checklist
Filtering tasks
Checklist filters
Task filters
Pinning and unpinning matters
Accessing iManage Work
Signing out of iManage Tracker
Sending feedback about iManage Tracker
iManage Tracker FAQ