Viewing and uploading offline documents

To view and upload offline documents using keyboard shortcuts, do the following:

  1. Open the Microsoft Office application, or Microsoft Visio, or Adobe Acrobat applications from which you want to open the document saved to iManage Work.

  2. Press ALT and then press the shortcut key displayed in the application to navigate to the iManage tab. For example, press Y2 in Microsoft Word or I in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to access the iManage tab.
    Alternatively, use the RIGHT/LEFT and UP/DOWN arrow keys to access the iManage tab. You can also use TAB to access the iManage tab when working with Microsoft Office applications or Microsoft Visio.

  3. Press the keyboard shortcut provided in the application to access the iManage Offline panel. For example, press SY in Microsoft Word or F in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

  4. Use the RIGHT/LEFT and UP/DOWN arrow keys or TAB to open, upload, or delete the document. When the required selection is highlighted, press ENTER.
    You can also press F6 to ensure that the focus is on the iManage panel that you have opened.

Fore more information about viewing and uploading offline documents, refer to Viewing and uploading offline documents.